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nissbird: French Stickers (Freitag 25. April 2014, 12:38)

Reflective helmet stickers, glad I didn't buy a Shoei now!

Axman: Re: French Stickers (Freitag 25. April 2014, 18:19)

Hi Nissbird,

what are "French Stickers" now ?? Invisible ones?



nissbird: Re: French Stickers (Samstag 26. April 2014, 20:11)

Hi Axman,

I am talking about the compulsory reflective stickers I have to fit to my helmet to travel through France to get to the Bulldog meeting in Switzerland.


Axman: Re: French Stickers (Sonntag 27. April 2014, 08:01)

Hi Nissbird,

sorry, but I never heard of obligatory helmet-stickers in France, or is this an april-fools joke? Bad enough that they force you to have a "Alco-Test" on board



nissbird: Re: French Stickers (Sonntag 27. April 2014, 10:14)

Hi Axman,

No April fool unfortunately, It is a law they introduced early last year.


WullDee: Re: French Stickers (Sonntag 27. April 2014, 12:31)

I've heard of a law for wearing a specific amount of reflective material at the body,
but this law was canelled (as far as I know).
I will try to ask one of the french dog riders about this ...

jalande: Re: French Stickers (Sonntag 27. April 2014, 15:20)


No, this is not an April Fool, the Reflective helmet stickers are mandatory, but not the alcooltest.



nissbird: Re: French Stickers (Sonntag 27. April 2014, 16:27)

Hi Jacques,

Thanks for the information.


WullDee: Re: French Stickers (Sonntag 27. April 2014, 17:12)

Jaqcues was faster ... Didier also stated that no alcohol test or reflectiv material on body are needed, only reflectives on helmet.
I wonder how do they look like ... will try to ask the ADAC this week ...

spark76x: Re: French Stickers (Montag 28. April 2014, 20:06)

:shock: :shock: :shock: Good to know that. :shock: :shock: :shock:

-- Montag 28. April 2014, 20:05 --

Sorry, but i can't find some serious informations about this.
The only thing i allways found was, it's canceled.

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