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nissbird: Switzerland (Sonntag 29. Juni 2014, 19:51)

Thanks to all you guys for such a warm welcome in Switzerland last week, I had a great time and everything was perfect - although on Sunday I did stay up a little too late drinking with Wulldee!

WullDee: Re: Switzerland (Sonntag 29. Juni 2014, 22:57)

Hey Phil,
I'm very sorry about that, wasn't my intention to keep you awake
But it was too interesting to talk about Biggus Dickus as known as Schwanzus Longus

Blubber: Re: Switzerland (Montag 30. Juni 2014, 07:49)

I think this discussion, about a very important topic, was worth to spend some more hours at the bar

I have no doubt that you both enjoyed it.

Ralf aka Blubber