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Tik: Are there others riding at minus degrees? (Dienstag 8. November 2005, 23:49)

Or maybe am I the only crazy in the crowd? If you drive on such cold weather please tell me your setup; I'm mostly interested in those using the bike daily. How did you solve the antagony between riding clothes with the formal clothes at the workplace? For the moment I have ordered the Transair jacket and Airway pants from Stadler. What helmet do you use for night drive? What helmet for minus degrees? At -2 I have to be 80km/h to avoid condesing on the inner side of the windshield.

If I'll wait for friendly weather, the next ride shall be after 01.05.2006

My friends already decided I overdid it and I should return to my 4 wheel thing.

Ad van Eck: (Mittwoch 9. November 2005, 16:32)

You can avoid condesing by rubbing in a thin film of dishwashing detergent on the inside of your helmetscreen

My Bulldog last winter:

My helmet is an Airoh Warrior


I use an all weather pants and jacket which I can adjust to tempuraturecircumstances.
I wear at cold temperatures extra plastic thin raingloves


moppedwolf: (Mittwoch 9. November 2005, 17:26)

Hi Tik,
Bulldog still works in snow, like a "Lanz Bulldog" :twisted:

look at my album (sorry, mobile-phone-pic :oops: )

take care :wave:

Tik: (Donnerstag 10. November 2005, 06:06)

Happy to look at your pictures; I shall try the dishwasher film. My approach for formal clothing in not so cold days is to wear casual clothing but with rain jacket, a secondary pair of shoes wich I leave at my office and gaiters like theese ones


to protect my pants from dirt and my legs from wind.

All the best to you all.

John w: (Donnerstag 10. November 2005, 10:14)

Hi Tik,

If you would like a clear visor try a Fog City insert. It's a plastic film that sticks inside your visor. These things are so good that you can walk out of a warm room into the freezing cold without any misting. I would not be without one since trying them out. Easy to fit too!
Type 'Fog City' on E Bay for the best prices.


John w

John w: (Samstag 19. November 2005, 20:18)

Hi again Tik,

We now have freezing temperatures in England (-4c) and I just thought you should know that I tried out what I said in my last post. The Fog City insert really does work when you walk out of a warm house into the cold.
It was OK until I collected my fish & chips and put them inside my jacket. On the way home the steam from the fish & chips proved too much for the Fog City insert and there was a little misting.
I think you should be OK as you probably don't eat fish & chips like we Brits have too!

Cheers ~ John w :coldcold:

Tik: (Sonntag 20. November 2005, 18:17)

I red about the Fog City, seems perfect, the one thing that keeps me buying it is that I'm in Romania which is pretty far from GB; also capitalism is young here, we have all sorts of credit cards, debit cards, the problem is, usually those cards do not work over the net; After Christmas I'll be in Zurich for two weeks, there is a chance I'll find something like that there if their businesses work in that period. The weather here is -2-4 degC in the mornings by now and there is little chance to get better. Romanian winters are something like -10 to -30 in January and February and I'm not expecting miracles. Today was a very nice winter day with 10-20cm of white-white snow and that kind of quiet the snow brings. I'm already going to work by car (34km away, about 22 miles). The days are so short that I have to drive after dark; if I'm going by bike the holes in the asphalt on the small roads I like to use are making the trip unpleasant. Nice of you to write, thanks

John w: (Montag 21. November 2005, 20:21)


If you have no luck getting a Fog City insert let me know. I will send one to you. No problem.

Cheers ~ John w

Tik: (Dienstag 22. November 2005, 06:41)

Thanks, John, I'll let you know if the Swiss guys do not have it.
Can you read German? Mine is poor and translating with Babelfish is a pain. I've seen that in the DE forum they're planning a trip to Bulldog's factory next year; if that comes to be real I'm tempted to go to CH or DE, rent a bike and join.
Re-cheers, Titus

Ad van Eck: (Dienstag 22. November 2005, 08:27)

You can also try this: PINLOCK system


Also available in Romania:



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