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Click to view full story of "Are there others riding at minus degrees?"

Tik: (Freitag 9. Dezember 2005, 12:01)

Hi all, thanks for all the above. I'll check the pinlock in Bucharest but Zurich is closer to me than Bucharest for this end of the year.
I just wanted to share my first impressions about the Stadler Airway jacket and pants. It's impressive. I was expecting that, for 1100€, I shall receive something more than a ski suit, still, it's above my expectations. Good quality materials, lots of thinking into design. It takes me at least 10 minutes to dress into and, tried it at 0 deg C, it's warm and pleasant into it.
The only problem I see is that this is an armour and cannot be used in mixed situations like driving to a certain location and there speak to some clients or attend a meeting. Not because it would be unappropriate dress (that is for such situations) but because it's to warm, to bulky to be with it off the bike.

Tik: (Sonntag 26. Februar 2006, 01:20)

I was crazy enough to take my bikes out last few days, just in between two snowfalls, alltoghether 300kms; Tried the 1150GS and after that, the Bulldog again. My .02's: BMW is better for long rides, on damaged roads, out of town if you have to drive one way more than 30km and offroad. I tried it (just happened) even on muddy offroads for about 20km and managed to stay on wheels. BT is more adapted to town driving instead and more pleasant for traffic knitting. It's snowing again here so further biking is not at horizon for at least two weeks. The Stadler suit is klasse.

Tik: (Dienstag 14. März 2006, 18:40)

While waiting for warmer and sunnyer days, I took a photo in downtown Kronstadt yesterday morning:
All this snow happened because I officialy declared spring around here so I did a 250km round trip by bike last Saturday, to Schaessburg and back:

Anonymous: (Freitag 17. März 2006, 23:37)

Very nice.
I wonder what will happen, if you declare summer :?: :wink:

Tik: (Samstag 18. März 2006, 16:58)

I wouldn't dare. This weekend is here my friend from Aarau, we were out to play with my bikes a little and after 30km we had to cancel because of snowing.

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