Hi Mick & John if your ever up in my neck of the woods, throw me a PM & I'll be glad to take you round my patch- Yorkshire dales( no speed cameras-yet!) Lake District North York Moors, Trough of Bowland etc You get the picture Its a BIG area with no towns or heavy traffic to deal with.
Maybe see you soon!!
Might well take you up on that JT will be in touch
Best wishes Mick
Thanks JT, :thumbup:
Maybe a good area for the next UK Tour in '08? Sounds like biking heaven! :angel7:
Cheers ~ John W
Hi guys! If anyone wants to make a small tour round my area(perhaps a weekend)just make a suggestion of a location & i will find out about cheap B&Bs on route.
Just a thought
See Ya JT :wink:
Hi Jonny
So you're the guy who beat me to it for the Anvil Red one at Tamworth. I rang them a day too late, but as Skellerns in Worcester had a new one in Red I rang them as well, only to find that it had also gone the day before. Next was Bill Smiths in Chester and I am pleased to say that I picked up a new blue and silver one there on about the only dry sunny day there has been this last month and rode it back home to Cornwall. Lovely trip down through Wales and it made me remember just how much fun the Bulldog is.
This is my second, I had a new one in 2002 and always regretted parting with it but at the time it didn't seem an appropriate bike for doing long distance touring on, but with hindsight I think it is as capable as any I have used. In fact, having owned probably 50+ bikes the Bulldog is the first one I have come back for a second dose of.
I've already kitted it out with an NWS hugger, and SW-Motech centre stand and alu-rack, and I'd recommend those bits to anyone. The design, quality and finish of the SW-Motech is outstanding.
I've only joined this site today, but already it looks to be the only one worth joining if you have a Bulldog.
Hi there Sully and welcome to this corner of the forum that shall remain forever England! :-D
Its a funny old world as some of the ads I'd looked at for Bulldogs the dealers told me that they had had the bikes for quite a time so I figured that a cash deal could be struck in order to free them of some stock. I found 2 identical mileage Anvil Red Bulldogs with 1 previous owner and virtually tossed a coin over which 1 seemed the best bet. The one I passed up had been glued to the showroom floor in Doncaster (Team Roberts I think) not a Yamaha dealer but the telephone manner of the salesman didn't seem very appealing so after some thought decided to make a longer trip to Tamworth and strike a deal with what turned out to be a really fantastic family dealership. I have never experienced service like it with nothing being too much trouble. I have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone wanting a Yamaha.
I did notice that they had a new Bulldog unregistered for sale but didn't ask the price of it.
I am thinking of investing in some SW Motech gear i.e. pannier frames, centre stand etc., and I am glad to hear you say its good kit. Have you de-restricted your Bulldog yet as I am told its quite strangled as standard? You can find an English Bulldog forum at http://www.eboards4all.com/240386/ where you needn't even register to participate - you will find a couple or three people that use this forum also post on the English boards.
Looking forward to speaking to you again soon.
Kind regards.
JT :wink: