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Big Ade: Monty (Samstag 4. Juli 2015, 16:18)

According to the statements of hundreds of harlots in various brothels in and around Cairo the slightly built physical fitness fanatic Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery was a sexual athlete. He regularly satisfied up to 20 ladies each night and on one momentous day he set a record of 115 mounts!

To avoid capture by enemy agents when on his night time sojourns in the red light district he dressed as an ordinary Tommy and changed his appearance. Each harlot that had entertained him was fooled by this disguise. Sometimes he was described as tall and slim, sometimes short and fat sometimes with ginger hair and sometimes with black or brown hair. A very peculiar and particular gift of ‘Monty’ was his ability to change his eye colour as well. So now when you see newsreels of spritely Monty and hear his squeaky voice give him some respect. What a man.

On a different subject altogether, do women lose their pubic hair as they get older?

Does anybody know?
