Quasimodo scurries down the street and is being mobbed by a group of young kids.
He stops abruptly and turns to them and says, "Look I haven't got your ball, now F**k off".
Quasimodo scurries down the street and is being mobbed by a group of young kids.
He stops abruptly and turns to them and says, "Look I haven't got your ball, now F**k off".
Quasimodo huscht die Straße entlang und wird von einer Gruppe kleiner Kinder gemobbt.
Er stoppt abrupt und dreht sich zu ihnen um und sagt: "Schau, ich habe deinen Ball nicht, jetzt verpiss dich". :huh:
Hi Ade,
I think this doesn't go well for non-native speakers and needs some explanation - I found this https://www.definder.net/Quasimodo/ but still can't figure it out
Oh Mann, der Quasimodo hat den Ball am Rücken, deshalb sind die Kinder hinter ihm her. Als er sich rumdreht, ist der Ball natürlich weg.....
Und ich schmeiß mich gleich wechhhhh Freunde...
Our English hummer is subtle and sometimes quite vicious so let me explain the Quasimodo joke.
Humour almost always has a victim and in this case it is the ugly deformed shape of the keeper of the bells of Notre Dame (Paris, France). Quasimodo has a growth/deformity casing a 'hunch back' hence the literary reference of ''The Hunchback of Notre Dame'. This horrible deformity and the nature of his job makes Quasimodo a bitter, introverted and singularly solitary individual and consequently he is mocked, scorned and despised by the people he meets. Children, having no regard for feelings or limits, are the most vicious tormentors.
In the joke the children accuse Quasimodo of taking their ball and hiding it on his body in the guise of a hump back and they mock and taunt him.
Eventually Quasimodo has taken as much insult as he can bear and rounds on the children and tells them that is not in possession of their ball. He also tells them to f**k off.
So now you can all have a good laugh, in the same way that we laugh when a cripple slips on a banana skin.
Oh come on! Don't tell me that's not funny either.
I found a policeman in tears at the top of the cliffs at Dover. I asked him why he cried and he said that he had just witnessed a bus load of illegal immigrants go over the 100m cliff to certain death on the rocks and pounding sea below. I said he was very compassionate and he replied, "F**k compassion, there were three empty seats."
Ade, that was not a nice joke - but in long way, I must smile! More you can not expect from a german guy, cause we have another sense of humour.
Someone says, we have no humour! Of course, mostly it`s not the black, british humour, but try ones more again.
Best wishes,