Oil/fuel warning lights

whatever you want to say about the technology

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Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Mittwoch 10. Juli 2019, 06:35
Vorname: ottu
Alter: 36

Oil/fuel warning lights

Beitrag von FinViking »

Good evening.

Seems like my dash oil and fuel warning lights have died. They should appear for few seconds when power is turned ON? Nothing! I checked the manual and it states they're LED bulbs. Are they changable?
Last time i was running low on petrol, fuel warning light came on, but it was sort of flickering and faint..

Is the oil sensor measuring pressure or level?

Any advice what to do next?

Topic author
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Mittwoch 10. Juli 2019, 06:35
Vorname: ottu
Alter: 36

Re: Oil/fuel warning lights

Beitrag von FinViking »

Some update.

I located both oil/fuel sensor wires under the seat near battery. Tested both by disconnecting wires. Still no lights at the dash. Then I used small steel wire stick it to the lead and put the other end to ground and had both oil and fuel lights illuminate!

For what I can tell I need to change both sensors! Almost hoped more for a burnt bulb. Anyone done the fuel sensor? Is it doable without removing tank alltogether? Never lifted tank since I've had this bike only 2 months. Oil sensor seems bit more straightforward. Probably routing the wire is biggest concern there.
Nasty bend? Seems like someone messed with the wires before.
Nasty bend? Seems like someone messed with the wires before.

Black Dog
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Registriert: Donnerstag 3. April 2008, 15:12
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Re: Oil/fuel warning lights

Beitrag von Black Dog »

As far as I remember both are float sensors and quite expensive.
Try to remove them and try to check/clean the floating device. Also check for "unbroken" wiring and clean contacts, i.e. almost zero Ohms resistance.

Good luck!
Gruß Michel

Wieder ein V2 - jetzt 90° quer

Topic author
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: Mittwoch 10. Juli 2019, 06:35
Vorname: ottu
Alter: 36

Re: Oil/fuel warning lights

Beitrag von FinViking »

I did oil change and reset that * message from the dash, and guess what. Now I have both oil and fuel warning lights working again! :shock:

Luckily I did not invested in any parts yet!