Fuel Tank insulation

whatever you want to say about the technology

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Fuel Tank insulation

Beitrag von Scotty »

Hi all.
New to the site. Ive had mine for 10 years and love it. But dumped it on a right hander a couple months back. Just finishing off the repairs and had to get the tank resprayed. In bought some new insulation for under the tank but not 100% sure of where it goes. Could someone send me a photo of the undersite of their tank so i can get an idea.

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Re: Fuel Tank insulation

Beitrag von FinViking »

Hi. Here's pretty good video on fuel tap change with the insulation shown -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVYKx7SMuJ4

I did take mine off though, because it was becoming loose and was full of mold not sure if it's even that necessary to have it?

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Re: Fuel Tank insulation

Beitrag von hotdog »

The most people have removed it.
I also removed it.
Greetings from the NL.
"Dare to be Different"

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Registriert: Montag 10. August 2020, 10:08
Vorname: Scott

Re: Fuel Tank insulation

Beitrag von Scotty »

Cheers guys👍

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Re: Fuel Tank insulation

Beitrag von Axman »

Hi Scotty,

should you install this "insulation" under the fuel-tank make sure to put on enough glue so that it doesn´t come loose. If it does, it can clog the air-intake to the carburettors :shock: and that´s an experience you can do without! We here found that out only by chance : the engine doesn´t want to run properly and has no power at all. The problem is, that when you stop the engine, the insulation pops back up into the tank-tunnel and everythting seems to be ok.
I threw that stuff away because it is only there for sound-reduction. It never botherde me :wink:

Cheers from the Axman
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