Change odometer from miles to kilometers

Tips and cheat

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Registriert: Donnerstag 21. Mai 2009, 22:51
Vorname: Dragomir

Change odometer from miles to kilometers

Beitrag von dragomir »

Can i change the odometer to display from miles to kilometers? Or i have to exchange the all electronics?

Beiträge: 4100
Registriert: Mittwoch 5. Februar 2003, 13:00
Vorname: Axel
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Beitrag von Axman »

Hi Dragomir,

that´s no easy feat.. :( .. and can only be done by an authorized Yamaha dealership..To my knowledge they can change it by reprogramming the instrument and no, you don´t have to buy new electronics.. :-D


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Registriert: Donnerstag 21. Mai 2009, 22:51
Vorname: Dragomir

Beitrag von dragomir »

Thanks for the information.

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Re: Change odometer from miles to kilometers

Beitrag von Blubber »

Hello Dragomir,

at our 6th. Intl. meeting we tried to set the clock correctly and by accident we changed from kilometers to miles. This was of course at a model build in 2006.

It was quite easy: press both, the select and reset button, and than turn the key to on.
This will change either from km to miles or vice versa.
Unfortunatel, how this works at a bike from the first series, I don't know.

Best regards


Beiträge: 4100
Registriert: Mittwoch 5. Februar 2003, 13:00
Vorname: Axel
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Re: Change odometer from miles to kilometers

Beitrag von Axman »

Hi Dragomir,

Ralfs info only works on a 2005 and up model...on a pre-2005 model this procedure will only cancel the "oil change" info..sorry :(


Axman ist ein Zeichen von Intelligenz seine Grenzen zu kennen..

Topic author
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Donnerstag 21. Mai 2009, 22:51
Vorname: Dragomir

Re: Change odometer from miles to kilometers

Beitrag von dragomir »

thanks again for info

-- Do 18 Jun 2009, 8:50 --

I'd like to ask another question. Can i take electronics from model 2005 and put it in earlier models for example 2003?

Beiträge: 4100
Registriert: Mittwoch 5. Februar 2003, 13:00
Vorname: Axel
Wohnort: 58708 Menden
Alter: 80

Re: Change odometer from miles to kilometers

Beitrag von Axman »

Hi Dragomir,

no, this will not work..or only if you change all the electrics/electronics (Instruments, CDI-Unit, the complete wiring-harness etc..) that´s a lot of work and very expensive parts..


Axman ist ein Zeichen von Intelligenz seine Grenzen zu kennen..