It's very quiet from UK


Topic author
Big Ade
Beiträge: 292
Registriert: Sonntag 25. März 2012, 16:42
Vorname: Ade
Wohnort: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Alter: 74

It's very quiet from UK

Beitrag von Big Ade »

First, I really wanted to be at Treffen 15 so I hope you all enjoyed it and I fully intend to be with you next year.

Now where is everyone in UK, the silence is deafening. Is there nothing to say, to do or to think of doing?

I am flat to the boards working on my house, my boat and family.

House is having a landscaped garden (German composite decking, nice) the boat is being completely repainted, blacked and new anodes and the family is growing. We will soon have 7 grandchildren! That's why the garden needed to be become child friendly.

The bike has been neglected but not forgotten, I have plans.

I think that with a little help from my son, Tom (he is a product design engineer), I can build a sidecar outfit with a sidecar that leans with the bike. I've set myself a target of 2020 Treffen which is also my 70th birthday year, if I had known I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself.

So that's me updated now let's hear from some more UK.

I've had some very close shaves on the bike (blind Range Rover/Volvo drivers) so I really mean it when I say be safe, be lucky and be happy.


Topic author
Big Ade
Beiträge: 292
Registriert: Sonntag 25. März 2012, 16:42
Vorname: Ade
Wohnort: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Alter: 74

Re: It's very quiet from UK

Beitrag von Big Ade »

Just thought I would add that the sidecar project will be based on the Flexit design. This looks by far the closest to my original idea.

I have access to engineering, fabrication and finishing facilities so it is just a matter of prototype/modification and development. I am not doing this as a commercial project, merely to satisfy my own desire.

2020 is ambitious but I need to do this before I reach the stage that I become incapable.

Sorry about the negative there but I have to recognise my own mortality, now pass those bacon sandwiches.



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Re: It's very quiet from UK

Beitrag von K9Rider »

Hi Ade, sounds like a tough endeavour! Good luck and keep us posted with achieved steps

Wer gemütlich fährt, wird länger gesehen...

"K9Rider" wörtlich genommen!

Beiträge: 2760
Registriert: Dienstag 9. Juli 2002, 12:34
Vorname: Sandro
Wohnort: Oberviechtach

Re: It's very quiet from UK

Beitrag von sandro »

Hi Ade,
your sidecar-project sounds very interesting :thumbright: .
Hope to see it at the meeting 2020 - as long as you have enough time for it, with all your grandchildren! :wink:
In 2019 I finally would be able to visit the Classic TT with a friend.
The way home leads us trough Wales and London…
If we should have a problem en route, may I be allowed to ask you for help?
Of course we hope not to need it, but it would be a great help in setting our minds at rest…

Best regards,
yolo Bild sandro

BT1100 - damit das Herz aus Freude schlägt, nicht aus Gewohnheit!

Topic author
Big Ade
Beiträge: 292
Registriert: Sonntag 25. März 2012, 16:42
Vorname: Ade
Wohnort: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Alter: 74

Re: It's very quiet from UK

Beitrag von Big Ade »

Of course you can count on my help if you need it, let me know your travel plans and I'll see if we can meet up.
Classic TT is AWSOME you will remember it for the rest of your life and the Island is a terrific microcosm of England, the people or lovely, food is really good (you must go to the smoke house in Peel) and the beer is good too.

Beiträge: 2760
Registriert: Dienstag 9. Juli 2002, 12:34
Vorname: Sandro
Wohnort: Oberviechtach

Re: It's very quiet from UK

Beitrag von sandro »

Thank you, I appreciate it, Ade!
I’ll keep you informed… :thumbright: :thumbright: :thumbright:
yolo Bild sandro

BT1100 - damit das Herz aus Freude schlägt, nicht aus Gewohnheit!