The North West races in Northern Ireland are cancelled, the TT on the Isle of Man is cancelled and the Manx is almost certainly off too. The pubs are shut, beer is on ration in the super markets and if that wasn't bad enough toilet rolls are in short supply. I can't work that last one out, panicked by shortages of food and everything else people rush out and buy toilet rolls and kitchen rolls! Why can't they just use all four sides? Army training when on manoeuvres allows only one sheet per sh*t.
We have been in lock down at home for the past 2 weeks and have avoided all contact, washing hands and using steriliser has become second nature. We see lots of examples of flouting the recommendations so this epidemic is here for some time I think.
For me it is no problem, I am building my man cave and the time I now have gives me the opportunity to improve and develop my initial ideas.
I can't bring myself to sell my bike, so it might make one last trip to Germany one day.
Look after yourselves and treat this virus thing with respect because it is a real threat (my wife, Mrs BigAde, is a critical care nurse). Risk nothing, stay safe and be lucky.
Stuck in the house?
Topic author - Beiträge: 292
- Registriert: Sonntag 25. März 2012, 16:42
- Vorname: Ade
- Wohnort: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
- Alter: 74
- Beiträge: 6272
- Registriert: Donnerstag 21. September 2006, 14:32
- Vorname: Waldi
- Wohnort: Steinhuder Meer
- Alter: 57
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: Stuck in the house?
'man cave' sounds interesting - any pictures on this project?
'man cave' sounds interesting - any pictures on this project?
Die linke Hand zum Gruß,

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