Dear All
BT1100 Bulldogs are as rare as hens teeth in the UK and outside of the Treffen tour I have only ever seen one other whilst out (Isle of Man TT 2012).
I know there are more out there so where are you?
Just reply with your name (nickname) and your nearest city/town.
It would be nice to have a meet sometime, you never know it might even develop into something good.
Cheers, and ride safe.
Bulldogs in UK?
Topic author - Beiträge: 292
- Registriert: Sonntag 25. März 2012, 16:42
- Vorname: Ade
- Wohnort: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
- Alter: 74
- Beiträge: 2825
- Registriert: Mittwoch 21. März 2007, 21:05
- Vorname: Uwe
- Wohnort: Merseburg
- Alter: 63
Re: Bulldogs in UK?
Dear All
BT1100 Bulldog sind so selten wie Hühner Zähne in Großbritannien und außerhalb der Treffen Tour habe ich nur überhaupt gesehen einem anderen während heraus (Isle of Man TT 2012).
Ich weiß, dass es mehr gibt, so wo bist du?
Antworten Sie mit Ihrem Namen (Nickname) und Ihre nächste Stadtzentrum / Stadt.
Es wäre schön, ein treffen irgendwann haben, man weiß nie, es könnte sogar zu etwas gut zu entwickeln.
Cheers, und fahren Sie sicher.
... da ich ja kein englisch kann, hab ich es mal mir von google übersetzen lassen.
vielleich hilft es den ein oder anderen
BT1100 Bulldog sind so selten wie Hühner Zähne in Großbritannien und außerhalb der Treffen Tour habe ich nur überhaupt gesehen einem anderen während heraus (Isle of Man TT 2012).
Ich weiß, dass es mehr gibt, so wo bist du?
Antworten Sie mit Ihrem Namen (Nickname) und Ihre nächste Stadtzentrum / Stadt.
Es wäre schön, ein treffen irgendwann haben, man weiß nie, es könnte sogar zu etwas gut zu entwickeln.
Cheers, und fahren Sie sicher.
... da ich ja kein englisch kann, hab ich es mal mir von google übersetzen lassen.
vielleich hilft es den ein oder anderen

Grüße aus MQ (MosambiQue)
[marq=left]Motorradfahren ist das Beste , was man angezogen machen kann

[marq=left]Motorradfahren ist das Beste , was man angezogen machen kann

- Beiträge: 6278
- Registriert: Donnerstag 21. September 2006, 14:32
- Vorname: Waldi
- Wohnort: Steinhuder Meer
- Alter: 58
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: Bulldogs in UK?
Hi Uwe,
thanks for your translation.
Since Adrians post was created in the english section of the board I think he intended to adress british Bulldog riders to get a clue where they are located (in Great Britain) and to organize rides or meetings.
Hi Uwe,
Danke für die Übersetzung.
Aber da Adrians Beitrag im englischen Bereich des Forums erstellt wurde denke ich, dass er an die britischen Bulldogfahrer gerichtet war um eine Ahnung zu bekommen, wer wo ansässig ist (in Großbritannien) und um Ausfahrten oder Treffen zu organisieren.
thanks for your translation.
Since Adrians post was created in the english section of the board I think he intended to adress british Bulldog riders to get a clue where they are located (in Great Britain) and to organize rides or meetings.
Hi Uwe,
Danke für die Übersetzung.
Aber da Adrians Beitrag im englischen Bereich des Forums erstellt wurde denke ich, dass er an die britischen Bulldogfahrer gerichtet war um eine Ahnung zu bekommen, wer wo ansässig ist (in Großbritannien) und um Ausfahrten oder Treffen zu organisieren.
Die linke Hand zum Gruß,

YouTube ......
Instagram ...

YouTube ......
Instagram ...
Topic author - Beiträge: 292
- Registriert: Sonntag 25. März 2012, 16:42
- Vorname: Ade
- Wohnort: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
- Alter: 74
Re: Bulldogs in UK?
WullDee you are so right.
When I saw 'Meet your region' in the English section of the forum with a sub forum 'England' I assumed it was aimed at the UK. This is a good idea because the English Bulldog Forum has closed and the Dodos need a perch.
Incidentally a relative of my father had actually eaten Dodo flesh and said it was not as good as pig meat and that their eggs were pretty poor too. However if you sprinkled them with powdered Rhino horn, black pepper and chilli they were eventually acceptable. The crew grew tired of eating them after a while and went back to eating corned beef.
When I saw 'Meet your region' in the English section of the forum with a sub forum 'England' I assumed it was aimed at the UK. This is a good idea because the English Bulldog Forum has closed and the Dodos need a perch.
Incidentally a relative of my father had actually eaten Dodo flesh and said it was not as good as pig meat and that their eggs were pretty poor too. However if you sprinkled them with powdered Rhino horn, black pepper and chilli they were eventually acceptable. The crew grew tired of eating them after a while and went back to eating corned beef.
- Beiträge: 25
- Registriert: Sonntag 5. Januar 2014, 17:11
Re: Bulldogs in UK?
Hi Folks
Back on line after a few months absence.
Ade is right in the UK Bulldogs are very rare, the only other bike I have seen belongs to Andy in Manchester. I am based in Cheshire near Chester and regularly ride out into Peak District, Mid and North Wales from April until November. I look forward to meeting up with other Bulldog owners when the weather improves.
Back on line after a few months absence.

Ade is right in the UK Bulldogs are very rare, the only other bike I have seen belongs to Andy in Manchester. I am based in Cheshire near Chester and regularly ride out into Peak District, Mid and North Wales from April until November. I look forward to meeting up with other Bulldog owners when the weather improves.

I'm dyslexic you aerosol.
- Beiträge: 18
- Registriert: Donnerstag 25. Dezember 2014, 13:01
- Vorname: Brian
Re: Bulldogs in UK?
Hi Guys.
I think I covered this in a reply to Krock earlier, but here goes again. There are three I know of in Milton Keynes, Bucks.. I sold "Red" to a lovely lady named Stella from the Tiger Mcc near Cambridge, and our friend Dom lives in Newport, South Wales. Apart from that, I don't know of any others.
I think I covered this in a reply to Krock earlier, but here goes again. There are three I know of in Milton Keynes, Bucks.. I sold "Red" to a lovely lady named Stella from the Tiger Mcc near Cambridge, and our friend Dom lives in Newport, South Wales. Apart from that, I don't know of any others.
Topic author - Beiträge: 292
- Registriert: Sonntag 25. März 2012, 16:42
- Vorname: Ade
- Wohnort: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
- Alter: 74
Re: Bulldogs in UK?
So these are the ones I know of:-
John W - Hereford and also his next door neighbour too
Phil - Hereford
Mick P - Kent
Andy - Preston
Jake - Preston
All the above are registered on this forum.
Pete (Pedro) - above Inverness (Scotland)
Dave R (little Ade) - Derby
Me - Sheffield
Wow, we could do a ride out or maybe form a UK Bulldog Owners Club and have an embroidered emblem on the back of our leather waistcoat. It would be a really select club and to qualify all you would need is to own a Bulldog. Maybe we could all get together once a year and visit our friends in Germany at the BOC International Treffen, now wouldn't that be something?
Makes you think don't it.
John W - Hereford and also his next door neighbour too
Phil - Hereford
Mick P - Kent
Andy - Preston
Jake - Preston
All the above are registered on this forum.
Pete (Pedro) - above Inverness (Scotland)
Dave R (little Ade) - Derby
Me - Sheffield
Wow, we could do a ride out or maybe form a UK Bulldog Owners Club and have an embroidered emblem on the back of our leather waistcoat. It would be a really select club and to qualify all you would need is to own a Bulldog. Maybe we could all get together once a year and visit our friends in Germany at the BOC International Treffen, now wouldn't that be something?
Makes you think don't it.
- Beiträge: 18
- Registriert: Donnerstag 25. Dezember 2014, 13:01
- Vorname: Brian
Re: Bulldogs in UK?
Well, you can add another four from me then. That's nearly a 50& increase in numbers!
I know of another one as well that was bought by a friend of mine to be used as a donor engine for his beloved XV750. I was going to sell off the remainder of the bike for him, once the engine had been transferred over. Unfortunately, he dropped dead of heart failure about 18 months ago, and his brother now has both bikes. He was intending to complete the build, but as far as I know hasn't done anything to it, so it is probably still festering in his garage.
I know of another one as well that was bought by a friend of mine to be used as a donor engine for his beloved XV750. I was going to sell off the remainder of the bike for him, once the engine had been transferred over. Unfortunately, he dropped dead of heart failure about 18 months ago, and his brother now has both bikes. He was intending to complete the build, but as far as I know hasn't done anything to it, so it is probably still festering in his garage.
- Beiträge: 5
- Registriert: Montag 3. Januar 2011, 18:49
Re: Bulldogs in UK?
And another! Names Adam, based in Manchester. Had my 'dog for 5 years now, have lightly modded it and love it to bits.
- Beiträge: 1
- Registriert: Sonntag 25. November 2018, 12:11
- Vorname: Vaughan
Re: Bulldogs in UK?
Hi. I'm in weston super mare. Cheers
- Beiträge: 4
- Registriert: Sonntag 9. Dezember 2018, 02:57
- Vorname: David
- Wohnort: Nottingham
- Alter: 69
Re: Bulldogs in UK?
David. Nottingham. Had from new, 2005.
- Beiträge: 12
- Registriert: Donnerstag 16. Mai 2019, 22:19
- Vorname: Joe
- Alter: 64
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: Bulldogs in UK?
Joe Guildford Surrey, 2003, black, loud & fun