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Ben ....
Verfasst: Samstag 24. April 2010, 01:14
von WullDee
Hi Ben,
best wishes to your birthday! Always keep the rubber down ...
Your avatar looks like you've farted into your diving suit - time to change, huh?
Re: Ben ....
Verfasst: Samstag 24. April 2010, 09:51
von Paolo
Hello Ben,

All the best to your birthday

Have a good party,
and an accidentfree season 2010.
Greetings, Paolo
Re: Ben ....
Verfasst: Samstag 24. April 2010, 09:57
von Blubber
Good morning Ben,
from the Black Forest we are sending best wishes to you.
Have fun

today and we hope you get loads of presents.
Verena & Blubber
Re: Ben ....
Verfasst: Samstag 24. April 2010, 14:39
von il_brutto
Re: Ben ....
Verfasst: Mittwoch 19. Mai 2010, 00:16
von Ben
WullDee hat geschrieben:Hi Ben,
best wishes to your birthday! Always keep the rubber down ...
Your avatar looks like you've farted into your diving suit - time to change, huh?
Thanks all, been out of the country for quite a while, and you are correct regarding the avatar