short in stature

everything about the chassis

Topic author
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Donnerstag 30. April 2009, 10:47

short in stature

Beitrag von trickortreat »

hi all , as your probably all aware i,m yes a newby...we all have to start somewhere lol. my problem is... I aquired my bt1100 BULLDOG 2 months ago what a bike ! brilliant. the only problem is I'm only short 5.5 28 inside leg , yep pityfull . anyway what I wanna know is does lowering the suspension with the aid of the dogbones that can be purchased on ebay alter the handling and are they easily fitted , i'm desperate to do something as the confidence is dwildeling fast especially as i pull up to the lights... help is needed and fast ...please

Beiträge: 6272
Registriert: Donnerstag 21. September 2006, 14:32
Vorname: Waldi
Wohnort: Steinhuder Meer
Alter: 57

Beitrag von WullDee »

Hi Paul!
Where are you from? Did you already register at the british Bulldog forum >>>click<<<?
Maybe you get some help there regarding the lowering and/or test-driving a lowered dog.
What's your height in metric? There is at least one female Bulldog rider I know, who has lowered the bike and is doing well (Miss *).
Die linke Hand zum Gruß,


YouTube ......
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Topic author
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Donnerstag 30. April 2009, 10:47


Beitrag von trickortreat »

hi , thanks for the reply , my height in metric is 165cm with a leg length of 71cm...short eh! lol. there is ajustment to be had on the bike , but when myself and my girlfriend are on it the tension needs winding back so the dogbones look a good option assuming they work. that where you guys come in , was hoping someone else was short and solved the dilema.... hers hoping

Beiträge: 4100
Registriert: Mittwoch 5. Februar 2003, 13:00
Vorname: Axel
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Alter: 80

Beitrag von Axman »

Hi Paul,

lowering the seathight by installing those "dogbones" seems to be a feasible alternative to changing the whole shock (from for example..they can provide shorter a shorter shock with hydraulic spring tensioner)..and as the installation is very easy it should take even the most "mechanically challenged" twenty minutes max. :wink:
And if that isn´t enough, try changing the upholstery on the seat..

Cheers ist ein Zeichen von Intelligenz seine Grenzen zu kennen..

John w
Beiträge: 224
Registriert: Samstag 21. Mai 2005, 23:28
Wohnort: Hereford, England
Alter: 65

Beitrag von John w »

Hi Paul,

The dogbones definately work. Mick P fitted them to his dog to make it lower. Very good with no handling problems. :thumbleft:

John W

Axeman - see you in Austria! :wave: