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International Bulldog Treffen 2012
Verfasst: Dienstag 31. Januar 2012, 23:13
von John w
Re: International Bulldog Treffen 2012
Verfasst: Dienstag 31. Januar 2012, 23:44
von Lukka
Hallo John,
I am also pleased to see you again in Saarland.
Look for the link on the top, put in your webname and your password and look at "our events".
Here you find the attendees.
Have a nice time and best regards
Re: International Bulldog Treffen 2012
Verfasst: Mittwoch 1. Februar 2012, 06:47
von captainoi
Hi Lukka, hello John,
Lukka hat geschrieben:
Look for the link, put in your webname and your password and look at "our events".
Here you find the attendees.
Have a nice time and best regards
now the same as a real weblink.
The attendees of the international Bulldog meeting
2¢ Buk
Re: International Bulldog Treffen 2012
Verfasst: Mittwoch 1. Februar 2012, 15:25
von Lukka
Ja, ja Buk,
da zeigt sich wieder der Unterschied zwischen Freischwimmer und Bademeister.

, zumindest was den Umgang mit dem
Computer angeht.

Re: International Bulldog Treffen 2012
Verfasst: Donnerstag 2. Februar 2012, 18:53
von John w
Thanks Guys!
I hope it is warmer than the -8c that I was riding in today!
John W
Re: International Bulldog Treffen 2012
Verfasst: Freitag 3. Februar 2012, 09:23
von Blubber
John w hat geschrieben:I hope it is warmer than the -8c that I was riding in today!
John W
Hey John,
very brave and very, very cool too (in a double sense)   
I am a wimp, once it comes to these kind of temperatures
Looking forward to see guys in June.
ride safe
Re: International Bulldog Treffen 2012
Verfasst: Samstag 4. Februar 2012, 21:21
von John w
Hi Blubber,
Yes, see you in June.
As for the cold weather riding - cold is OK but no riding on snow or ice. The Bulldog is a heavy bike to stop once it is falling over! I discovered this fact about two months ago when I was pushing the bike and turning it around. I lost my balance for a moment and the bike threw me Judo-style over the top of it and onto my neighbours drive. Ouch! Bruised ribs and a large lump on my lower leg.
Most importantly - no damage to the Bulldog.
Best wishes,

Re: International Bulldog Treffen 2012
Verfasst: Sonntag 5. Februar 2012, 08:51
von Axman
Hi John,
I hope the lump on your leg came from sticking it quickly under the falling bike..

Sorry John but sometimes my imagination gets the better of me..
See you and the others in June
Re: International Bulldog Treffen 2012
Verfasst: Sonntag 5. Februar 2012, 16:47
von John w
Hi Axman,
Thanks for your sympathy!
See you soon.

Re: International Bulldog Treffen 2012
Verfasst: Sonntag 5. Februar 2012, 19:10
von Luzy
Get well soon John!