New Member


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Registriert: Donnerstag 13. September 2012, 13:30
Vorname: Philip
Wohnort: Hereford
Alter: 63

New Member

Beitrag von nissbird »

New to this forum and would like to say a big hello to everyone having purchased a Bulldog 6 months ago. I am hoping to attend next years international rally in Switzerland and see some other bulldogs - they are pretty rare in England. Great bike meets all the criteria I could wish for - upright, shaft, v twin, air cooled and looks fantastic. Hope to post more often in the near future.
Best Wishes

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Re: New Member

Beitrag von blechi »


a big welcome!

-- Samstag 27. Juli 2013, 08:17 --


a big welcome!
"Klar spreche ich mit mir selber. Ich lege Wert auf kompetente Beratung."
Beste Grüße Ulf

Beiträge: 447
Registriert: Sonntag 1. Oktober 2006, 11:32
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Alter: 52

Re: New Member

Beitrag von andrasar »

A big warm welcome to the world's best forum.
I'm convinced you will have a lot of fun with the bulldog and we were glad to meet you in switzerland next year.


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Vorname: Klaas
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Alter: 66

Re: New Member

Beitrag von hotdog »

Hello ,

a warm welcome for you to the BOC-Community.
Hope to meet you at the next international BOC-Meeting in switzerland .
"Dare to be Different"

Beiträge: 2520
Registriert: Sonntag 19. Juni 2011, 06:23
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Re: New Member

Beitrag von linus »

welcomeani.gif from the "Sauerland" :!:

greetings linus
die linke zum gruße,die rechte am gas!

"ihr seid doch nur neidisch,das die leisen stimmen nur zu mir sprechen"

Beiträge: 2817
Registriert: Samstag 13. Oktober 2007, 00:34
Vorname: Daniel
Wohnort: Palma de Mallorca
Alter: 55

Re: New Member

Beitrag von spark76x »

Welcome on the board
and always a good ride!
Daniel ©?

Ich gebe offen zu mein ganzes Leben von anderen beeinflusst und inspiriert worden zu sein!


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Re: New Member

Beitrag von Luzy »

on the board...
Ich bin meistens teuflisch gut drauf!

Topic author
Beiträge: 89
Registriert: Donnerstag 13. September 2012, 13:30
Vorname: Philip
Wohnort: Hereford
Alter: 63

Re: New Member

Beitrag von nissbird »

Thanks guys, look forward to seeing you all in Switzerland

Beiträge: 1895
Registriert: Sonntag 4. Februar 2007, 14:27
Vorname: Atty
Alter: 57

Re: New Member

Beitrag von MissBitch »

Welcome nissbird,

by the way >>what is your real name???

Topic author
Beiträge: 89
Registriert: Donnerstag 13. September 2012, 13:30
Vorname: Philip
Wohnort: Hereford
Alter: 63

Re: New Member

Beitrag von nissbird »

Philip formally, Phil more usually, Philly sometimes by ladies and on the odd occasion Pip by older men. The last one happens less and less the further I climb up the age ladder.

Whats your name?

Beiträge: 1895
Registriert: Sonntag 4. Februar 2007, 14:27
Vorname: Atty
Alter: 57

Re: New Member

Beitrag von MissBitch »

Hey Philip,

My name is Atty.....

See you next Year at the interrally in Switzerland
You have not to ride alone because there are a view bulldog riders from england who are going there to.
I think you have already read this in other Threats on the board .


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Registriert: Montag 17. Oktober 2005, 16:39
Vorname: Ralf
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Re: New Member

Beitrag von Blubber »

Hello Phil,

I guess you have already realized that there is another member coming from Hereford as well.
This means, nor reason to ride all alone to Switzerland next year.


Meine Meinung steht fest - bitte verwirren Sie mich nicht
mit Tatsachen !

Topic author
Beiträge: 89
Registriert: Donnerstag 13. September 2012, 13:30
Vorname: Philip
Wohnort: Hereford
Alter: 63

Re: New Member

Beitrag von nissbird »

Hi Ralph,

Yes, John W is his name and I think he is the same guy I met in a petrol station a few months ago (Hereford is a small town). I've left him my number on another Bulldog forum. Hopefully he will get in touch, if not I shall pm him.

What do guys get up to on these meetings?


Big Ade
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Re: New Member

Beitrag von Big Ade »


Read your earlier posts and John can tell you about the annual trips to Germany (he's been to 9 already).

The Bulldog rally is brilliant and well worth the journey. You get to stay in 5* hotels that have exquisite food, you can drink loads of beer and you get to ride out with almost 100 Bulldogs. All this with the friendliest bunch of bikers this side of Tehran.

I can't make the 2014 rally (big family holiday in S. France) but I believe John/Mick will be going and possibly Jake & Andy from UK.

We UK dog owners should meet up, maybe even start our own BOC. We could call it BOC UK!

Glad you found the Bulldog, I reckon it is about the best bike around.



Topic author
Beiträge: 89
Registriert: Donnerstag 13. September 2012, 13:30
Vorname: Philip
Wohnort: Hereford
Alter: 63

Re: New Member

Beitrag von nissbird »

Thanks for the info Ade, the thought of riding around Switzerland with a group of Bulldogs sounds brilliant.

I came back to motorcycling four years ago and bought an Intruder M800, because I wanted a v-twin with a shaft and an easy way of riding, however, I found the cruiser position of riding, which was new to me, uncomfortable over any sort of distance. The thing was, I wanted a bike that would give me an upright position with a v-twin and a shaft drive and apart from a Moto Guzzi the Bulldog was the only one that could do this and look great into the bargain.

All the best