Aother Bulldog


Topic author
Big Ade
Beiträge: 292
Registriert: Sonntag 25. März 2012, 16:42
Vorname: Ade
Wohnort: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Alter: 74

Aother Bulldog

Beitrag von Big Ade »

Good news.

David (little Ade), my son, has bought a Bulldog and will be riding it to Masserberg for Treffen 12.

It is way better than mine with lots of stuff done and looks beautiful with only 14,000 miles on the clock.

Down side is that he still wants to keep his GSXR 750.


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Registriert: Montag 12. Januar 2009, 11:08
Vorname: Ronald
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Alter: 71

Beitrag von ronald53 »

Keeping is not really the problem, I guess? I suppose the riding is!

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Registriert: Samstag 13. Oktober 2007, 00:34
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Re: Aother Bulldog

Beitrag von spark76x »

Big Ade hat geschrieben:Down side is that he still wants to keep his GSXR 750.
Why not, with the bikes it should'nt be a problem,
only girls would'nt accept that.
Daniel ©?

Ich gebe offen zu mein ganzes Leben von anderen beeinflusst und inspiriert worden zu sein!


Topic author
Big Ade
Beiträge: 292
Registriert: Sonntag 25. März 2012, 16:42
Vorname: Ade
Wohnort: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Alter: 74

Re: Aother Bulldog

Beitrag von Big Ade »

Here is the bike.

It has engine mods too, 98 BHP, so he will hardly notice a difference from the GSXR 750.


Bike 2.JPG
Bike 6.JPG
Bike 12.JPG

Beiträge: 1246
Registriert: Mittwoch 17. Mai 2006, 16:57
Vorname: johan
Wohnort: Sappemeer (NL)
Alter: 75

Re: Aother Bulldog

Beitrag von bulldog1 »

Added in 1 minute 58 seconds:
He bic ade nice bike better than the gsxr 750. :-D  :givemebeer:
regards johan :cool:
Nait soezen moar deur broezen! BildBild