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New member
Verfasst: Sonntag 12. April 2015, 17:25
von Jelvin
Hi, my name's Mike and I've just bought a Bulldog (which looking around the forums used to belong to Phil, Nissbird in Hereford). I realise that I'm a bit late to the party here and hadn't heard of the Bulldog until about a month ago but looking forward to learning as much as I can from the forum members. I'm in Cornwall by the way.
Re: New member
Verfasst: Sonntag 12. April 2015, 19:48
von Krock
Welcolm to the forum. Its a bit slow on the forum just now but it picks up as folk wake up from winter slumber
Re: New member
Verfasst: Sonntag 12. April 2015, 21:36
von WullDee
Hi Mike,
welcome to the board - always a safe ride!
Re: New member
Verfasst: Montag 13. April 2015, 20:39
von Big Ade
The bike you have was well sorted by Philip and you should get many years of excellent service from it. The Bulldog is a very underrated piece of kit, bullet proof Japanese motor, Italian frame, R1 stoppers and a sweet sounding exhaust. It is not a poor man's Harley it is way better than the lardarse yankee slug. By the way have you noticed that Harley and Gold Wing riders never nod back.
Warm welcome to the fold and enjoy your dog. There is lots of good stuff on this forum and some terrific people here to help you when you need it.
Be lucky, ride safe.
Re: New member
Verfasst: Dienstag 14. April 2015, 00:34
von Jelvin
Hi Guys,
thanks for the welcome. Ade, I really like what Philip did to the pipes on mine and looking around at his previous posts it all seems to have been well sorted. I've been away from my bike for nearly two years (long story moved back down here from Scotland, still looking for a place, bike and a lot of our gear still in storage 600 miles away) and just couldn't go another summer without a ride. Fell in love with the Bulldog at first sight, loved the shaft, the big straightforward V and the nice wide bars to keep the weight off my aging wrists and shoulders

Looking forward to many a happy mile. Only thing I'm wanting to do at the moment is fit some bar end mirrors..........I'm fairly wide so I'm used to only seeing my shoulders or elbows,
Re: New member
Verfasst: Dienstag 14. April 2015, 15:33
von linus
hello mike,
welcome from the "Sauerland"!!!
greetings linus
Re: New member
Verfasst: Dienstag 14. April 2015, 16:23
von hotdog
Hi Jelvin/Mike,
welcome to the board and enjoy your Dog.
Greetings from the Netherlands.
Re: New member
Verfasst: Mittwoch 15. April 2015, 17:07
von Big Ade
I too am of the wider persuasion and have a fine pair of shoulders (show 'em off lad, show 'em off) and the standard wimpy stalks on the dog do let you admire your own magnificence. However such vanity is impractical when you are keeping an eye out for any blue lights so, fit the mirrors intended for the Virago because they have longer stalks. Job done and quite cheap too.
My son has had some black heave weight hoodies printed up with the dog and stuff. When I get someone to help me with the techie stuff I will post a pic. (£35 plus postage any size) he is also going to get some T shirts done too.
Cheers bud.
Re: New member
Verfasst: Freitag 17. April 2015, 23:12
von Jelvin
Again thanks for the welcomes. Ade, I've a friend with a Virago who's going to pop round at the weekend and let me try his mirrors for fit and I'll go from there. Had a Speed Triple a while back with bar end mirrors that I really liked so I'll see which I prefer.
Re: New member
Verfasst: Samstag 18. April 2015, 00:49
von WullDee
Hey Mike,
I've seen Phil's dog in Switzerland but I really can't remember the mirrors and mirror arms.
There are lots of dogs with bar end mirrors, but somehow the gallery doesn't work the way I expect it since the last update.
Another alternative would be mounting the arms of "American Oval" mirrors available at Try a look in my album "Umbauten":
Re: New member
Verfasst: Montag 20. April 2015, 15:13
von nissbird
Hi Mike,
Glad you like the bike and I hope you have a great time with it. They are the standard mirrors, some guys just fit longer stems. The guys in this club are great and very helpful and if you get the chance go to one of the meetings (usually Germany).
Re: New member
Verfasst: Montag 27. April 2015, 11:01
von Jelvin
OK, I can hide my embarrassment no longer, especially seeing as Philip has now arrived. But last week I dropped my Bulldog, going rather slowly approaching traffic lights. There might have been something on the road but being honest I think I just grabbed too much front brake and lost the front. I almost got away unscathed but my knee bore the brunt of the falling bike which tried to turn it into a knee that went sideways. I'll heal, the bike wasn't so lucky, with the tank taking the brunt of the collision with the ground. Just wondering (with the cost of a new tank at 800+ euros on one site) can any of you in the uk recommend someone to repair/respray. There's so many out there with both good and bad reviews it's hard to make any sort of educated decision.
Re: New member
Verfasst: Montag 27. April 2015, 21:16
von Big Ade
Sorry to hear about your accident hope you mend quickly. The brakes on the Bulldog are R1 brakes so very very good at stopping you on a good surface but deadly on anything slippy like grit, snow or diesel.
Bulldog tanks are rarer than hen's teeth but there is one on eBay right now with a buy it now of £26 (item number 281665879444). I would takre this or your own to a car bodyshop and have them fill it, shape it and paint it and then fit a Bagster tank protector (item number 400823535858)
That would be a way cheaper option and look good too.
Good luck with it.
Re: New member
Verfasst: Montag 27. April 2015, 22:13
von Jelvin
Cheers Ade,
my tank (now) looks very much like the black Ebay one you mention but my damage is on the opposite side. Did wonder about the Bagster covers too. Just need to find someone locally to do the filling and paint work,
Re: New member
Verfasst: Montag 11. Mai 2015, 21:51
von Capt_Biggles
Hi Mike.
Welcome to the club. I have not been able to reply to anything recently due to forum issues on my old Mac, which Jorg has kindly now sorted.
I bought the damaged black tank, which arrived this morning. It is now filled with the last layer setting overnight before I give it a final sand and paint it tomorrow. This is the second one I have done, and so long as the tank is not creased it is not a problem. Mind you, I have probably lost a litre or so of tank capacity judging by the amount of filler I have used.
Whenever a Bulldog goes down the tank is one of the first things to hit the ground, even at a standstill. Both my 'Dog and my wife's have tank protectors/crash bungs in the hole in frame under the tank. A local engineering firm knocked them up in 10 minutes or so out of Hard nylon bar, which they had lying about. They are worth their weight in gold, but then again, so is the tank. A bare new tank in liquid bronze/silver was over £1000 last time I looked!