Free to good home


Topic author
Big Ade
Beiträge: 292
Registriert: Sonntag 25. März 2012, 16:42
Vorname: Ade
Wohnort: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Alter: 74

Free to good home

Beitrag von Big Ade »

Hi guys

Having a bit of a clear out and have come across a stash of my old thongs and posing pouches. Now that I am no longer a pole dancer at the local * club these are surplus to requirements.

Admittedly some need a good clean and some are a bit raggy at the back (F plan diet to blame for this).

They are good and roomy at the front so one size fits all, some have a front vent for fast access, the leather ones are a bit stiff and might be uncomfortable to wear.

Let me know if anyone is interested before I put them on eBay.


PS When I first started wearing the thongs I thought the pouch was for my haemorrhoids, so new wearers note that the pouch goes to the front and the string up your crack.