My daughter


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Vorname: Ronald
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My daughter

Beitrag von ronald53 »

Really proud to present my daughter in the voice of Holland:
BT1100 - 2007 / 75 PS / 100Nm.

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Re: My daughter

Beitrag von JörgG »


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9505 mit Tapatalk
Das Leben besteht nicht nur aus "Wünsch dir Was" und einige Entscheidungen sollten einfach akzeptiert werden.

Der schlimmste Fehler, den man im Leben machen kann, ist ständig zu befürchten, dass man einen macht.
– Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915), The Note Book

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Re: My daughter

Beitrag von Blubber »

Moin Ronald,

you can be proud of your daughter. We hope she will make it further.

Verena & Ralf
Meine Meinung steht fest - bitte verwirren Sie mich nicht
mit Tatsachen !

Big Ade
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Re: My daughter

Beitrag von Big Ade »


She has a beautiful pure voice, excellent control and perfect pitch. Too many of today's 'singers/performers' warble either side of the note, shout to their limit and lose the words or their meaning.

I don't care what other competitors she us up against she thoroughly deserves to go forward.

I have sung in competition choirs for over twenty years and we have performed and twice won the Llangollen International Festival (Wales) so I know a sweet voice when I hear one and your daughter has a peach of a sound.

I wish her all the very best, you must be so proud of her.


Topic author
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Registriert: Montag 12. Januar 2009, 11:08
Vorname: Ronald
Wohnort: Groet, NL
Alter: 71

Re: My daughter

Beitrag von ronald53 »

Many thanks to you all, for the positive comment. As you may have noticed, my daughter has opted to use the 1.5 minute of audition time she was given to demonstrate that she is capable of singing this classic song of Queen in various styles, pop and more classic. Her heart is in singing more classical and in musical, but she can also perfectly sing pop songs, jazzy songs, etc. The switching of style in this blind audition is not always understood by the public, and by some of the coaches as well. Luckily, some connoisseurs, like you Ade, are able to appreciate what she has done. In this phase of the competition, showing your capabilities should be more important than trying to persuade the audience to buy your next album.

BT1100 - 2007 / 75 PS / 100Nm.

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Registriert: Montag 12. Januar 2009, 11:08
Vorname: Ronald
Wohnort: Groet, NL
Alter: 71

My daughter, The Battles

Beitrag von ronald53 »

BT1100 - 2007 / 75 PS / 100Nm.

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Re: My daughter

Beitrag von hotdog »

:thumbright: :notworthy: :-o :signwow:
"Dare to be Different"

Der Christian
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Re: My daughter

Beitrag von Der Christian »


Der Christian

V2/8.......................................sonst nichts :!:

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Registriert: Montag 12. Januar 2009, 11:08
Vorname: Ronald
Wohnort: Groet, NL
Alter: 71

Re: My daughter

Beitrag von ronald53 »

And now for something completely different:
BT1100 - 2007 / 75 PS / 100Nm.

Der Christian
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Re: My daughter

Beitrag von Der Christian »


Der Christian

V2/8.......................................sonst nichts :!:

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Re: My daughter

Beitrag von ff007 »

Ich sag es mal so:
Sie hat eine begnadete Stimme inkl. Stimmfarbe und Ausstrahlung.

Da ist man ja als Papa xxxxxl Stolz

Ich drücke die Daumen für eine geniale und erfolgreiche Laufbahn.

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk

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Re: My daughter

Beitrag von gigermania »

Hammerstimme 👍👍👍
Leben und leben lassen !

Big Ade
Beiträge: 292
Registriert: Sonntag 25. März 2012, 16:42
Vorname: Ade
Wohnort: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Alter: 74

Re: My daughter

Beitrag von Big Ade »


Your daughter has a fabulous voice, so clear, so precise and delivered with such sweetness and emotion. You are rightly proud of such a talented child she deserves all the success and recognition she achieves. The popular female voice is too often a shouted screeching harsh and aggressive sound.
