Well i have modified my handlebars and risers! here's some pics .
please feel free to coment and ask Questions
regards mav
Handle Bar riser mods and str8 bars !
Topic author
Handle Bar riser mods and str8 bars !
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Topic author
Handle bar mods
Hi Mav
Bars look great, (camera work a bit suspect tho!)
What risers did you use?
How do you feel about the handling now, has shifting the weight forward made an improvement? I'm probably going to sort some kind of fat bar conversion once I'm back from that German trip, I've already sped the steering up a bit with a 5mm fork raise through the yokes, and a set of shorter 'bones' in the suspension linkage.
She aint no sports bike though, but it's keeping me fit wrestling through corners.
Bars look great, (camera work a bit suspect tho!)
What risers did you use?
How do you feel about the handling now, has shifting the weight forward made an improvement? I'm probably going to sort some kind of fat bar conversion once I'm back from that German trip, I've already sped the steering up a bit with a 5mm fork raise through the yokes, and a set of shorter 'bones' in the suspension linkage.
She aint no sports bike though, but it's keeping me fit wrestling through corners.
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- Registriert: Mittwoch 5. Februar 2003, 13:00
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Hi Mav
we all know that the Bulldog vibrates a bit...but really....how long was your trip, that you still had the shakes while taking the pics ??
The new 05 Dog has fatter bars already (Magura-style) and other risers..
If you come to Glauchau/Germany to the international Bulldog-meet you`ll see a lot of bar-conversions (about 98% of us have thrown the original bar away...right away)
see you there
we all know that the Bulldog vibrates a bit...but really....how long was your trip, that you still had the shakes while taking the pics ??
The new 05 Dog has fatter bars already (Magura-style) and other risers..
If you come to Glauchau/Germany to the international Bulldog-meet you`ll see a lot of bar-conversions (about 98% of us have thrown the original bar away...right away)
see you there