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Are there others riding at minus degrees?
Verfasst: Dienstag 8. November 2005, 23:49
von Tik
Or maybe am I the only crazy in the crowd? If you drive on such cold weather please tell me your setup; I'm mostly interested in those using the bike daily. How did you solve the antagony between riding clothes with the formal clothes at the workplace? For the moment I have ordered the Transair jacket and Airway pants from Stadler. What helmet do you use for night drive? What helmet for minus degrees? At -2 I have to be 80km/h to avoid condesing on the inner side of the windshield.
If I'll wait for friendly weather, the next ride shall be after 01.05.2006
My friends already decided I overdid it and I should return to my 4 wheel thing.
Verfasst: Mittwoch 9. November 2005, 16:32
von Ad van Eck
You can avoid condesing by rubbing in a thin film of dishwashing detergent on the inside of your helmetscreen
My Bulldog last winter:
My helmet is an Airoh Warrior ... r/WR11.htm
I use an all weather pants and jacket which I can adjust to tempuraturecircumstances.
I wear at cold temperatures extra plastic thin raingloves
Verfasst: Mittwoch 9. November 2005, 17:26
von moppedwolf
Hi Tik,
Bulldog still works in snow, like a "Lanz Bulldog"
look at my album (sorry, mobile-phone-pic

take care

Verfasst: Donnerstag 10. November 2005, 06:06
von Tik
Happy to look at your pictures; I shall try the dishwasher film. My approach for formal clothing in not so cold days is to wear casual clothing but with rain jacket, a secondary pair of shoes wich I leave at my office and gaiters like theese ones ... /MEQCX.htm
to protect my pants from dirt and my legs from wind.
All the best to you all.
Verfasst: Donnerstag 10. November 2005, 10:14
von John w
Hi Tik,
If you would like a clear visor try a Fog City insert. It's a plastic film that sticks inside your visor. These things are so good that you can walk out of a warm room into the freezing cold without any misting. I would not be without one since trying them out. Easy to fit too!
Type 'Fog City' on E Bay for the best prices.
John w
Verfasst: Samstag 19. November 2005, 20:18
von John w
Hi again Tik,
We now have freezing temperatures in England (-4c) and I just thought you should know that I tried out what I said in my last post. The Fog City insert really does work when you walk out of a warm house into the cold.
It was OK until I collected my fish & chips and put them inside my jacket. On the way home the steam from the fish & chips proved too much for the Fog City insert and there was a little misting.
I think you should be OK as you probably don't eat fish & chips like we Brits have too!
Cheers ~ John w :coldcold:
Verfasst: Sonntag 20. November 2005, 18:17
von Tik
I red about the Fog City, seems perfect, the one thing that keeps me buying it is that I'm in Romania which is pretty far from GB; also capitalism is young here, we have all sorts of credit cards, debit cards, the problem is, usually those cards do not work over the net; After Christmas I'll be in Zurich for two weeks, there is a chance I'll find something like that there if their businesses work in that period. The weather here is -2-4 degC in the mornings by now and there is little chance to get better. Romanian winters are something like -10 to -30 in January and February and I'm not expecting miracles. Today was a very nice winter day with 10-20cm of white-white snow and that kind of quiet the snow brings. I'm already going to work by car (34km away, about 22 miles). The days are so short that I have to drive after dark; if I'm going by bike the holes in the asphalt on the small roads I like to use are making the trip unpleasant. Nice of you to write, thanks
Verfasst: Montag 21. November 2005, 20:21
von John w
If you have no luck getting a Fog City insert let me know. I will send one to you. No problem.
Cheers ~ John w
Verfasst: Dienstag 22. November 2005, 06:41
von Tik
Thanks, John, I'll let you know if the Swiss guys do not have it.
Can you read German? Mine is poor and translating with Babelfish is a pain. I've seen that in the DE forum they're planning a trip to Bulldog's factory next year; if that comes to be real I'm tempted to go to CH or DE, rent a bike and join.
Re-cheers, Titus
Verfasst: Dienstag 22. November 2005, 08:27
von Ad van Eck
Verfasst: Freitag 9. Dezember 2005, 12:01
von Tik
Hi all, thanks for all the above. I'll check the pinlock in Bucharest but Zurich is closer to me than Bucharest for this end of the year.
I just wanted to share my first impressions about the Stadler Airway jacket and pants. It's impressive. I was expecting that, for 1100€, I shall receive something more than a ski suit, still, it's above my expectations. Good quality materials, lots of thinking into design. It takes me at least 10 minutes to dress into and, tried it at 0 deg C, it's warm and pleasant into it.
The only problem I see is that this is an armour and cannot be used in mixed situations like driving to a certain location and there speak to some clients or attend a meeting. Not because it would be unappropriate dress (that is for such situations) but because it's to warm, to bulky to be with it off the bike.
Verfasst: Sonntag 26. Februar 2006, 01:20
von Tik
I was crazy enough to take my bikes out last few days, just in between two snowfalls, alltoghether 300kms; Tried the 1150GS and after that, the Bulldog again. My .02's: BMW is better for long rides, on damaged roads, out of town if you have to drive one way more than 30km and offroad. I tried it (just happened) even on muddy offroads for about 20km and managed to stay on wheels. BT is more adapted to town driving instead and more pleasant for traffic knitting. It's snowing again here so further biking is not at horizon for at least two weeks. The Stadler suit is klasse.
Verfasst: Dienstag 14. März 2006, 18:40
von Tik
While waiting for warmer and sunnyer days, I took a photo in downtown Kronstadt yesterday morning:

All this snow happened because I officialy declared spring around here so I did a 250km round trip by bike last Saturday, to Schaessburg and back:

Verfasst: Freitag 17. März 2006, 23:37
von JoJo
Very nice.
I wonder what will happen, if you declare summer

Verfasst: Samstag 18. März 2006, 16:58
von Tik
I wouldn't dare. This weekend is here my friend from Aarau, we were out to play with my bikes a little and after 30km we had to cancel because of snowing.