Looking for an answer

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Looking for an answer

Beitrag von Lezanta »

Hi there to you all!!

My name is Giorgos and i am from Greece. I own a dog of 2005
and i want to know the exact differents from the previous models.

I have read about the kit that Axman says from KRAUSE and i wonder if that is ideal for my bike to or need something else.

By the way i have tried to visit www.zweirad-krause.de and i haven't seen anything.

Looking forward for your answer!! :!:

Beiträge: 2796
Registriert: Montag 8. Juli 2002, 17:55
Vorname: Jörg
Wohnort: Zürcher Oberland
Alter: 48

Beitrag von JörgG »

hi here are a link for Krause:

or Harrenburg:
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Der schlimmste Fehler, den man im Leben machen kann, ist ständig zu befürchten, dass man einen macht.
– Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915), The Note Book

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Beitrag von Lezanta »

Thanks for your answer Admin but i like to see the site of KRAUSE and find a way to order the kit for my dog.

Iam not sure if that kit is ideal for my dog (2005) because i don't know the differents between mine and the older models, the one which the kit is made for.

So i need your knowlege to pass it to me.

Thanks in advance Giorgos.

Beiträge: 2796
Registriert: Montag 8. Juli 2002, 17:55
Vorname: Jörg
Wohnort: Zürcher Oberland
Alter: 48

Beitrag von JörgG »


the webshop from Krause are offline so the only way are
to send Krause a Email with your order to:
Das Leben besteht nicht nur aus "Wünsch dir Was" und einige Entscheidungen sollten einfach akzeptiert werden.

Der schlimmste Fehler, den man im Leben machen kann, ist ständig zu befürchten, dass man einen macht.
– Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915), The Note Book

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Beitrag von Lezanta »

Thanks again Admin!

You still owe me the differents! :) :) :)

Beiträge: 4100
Registriert: Mittwoch 5. Februar 2003, 13:00
Vorname: Axel
Wohnort: 58708 Menden
Alter: 80

Beitrag von Axman »

Hi Lezanta,

as I was away for a few days, I only read your questions today.

As I´ll have my Bulldog serviced by Krause tomorrow, I´ll ask about a kit for your bike and after that I´ll answer your questions about the differences from the older models ( where did you buy your Bulldog?? There might be variations for the different Markets..!!)

Till then, greets

from the Axman

Topic author

Beitrag von Lezanta »

Hi Axman, at last i was starting to think that you was snobing me. :lol: :lol:

I'm glad having news from you. Now i bought my bike from a dealer here in Greece (Chania of Crete),i hope to help you with this.

And Axman i have a worry about the weld of endcaps for the mufflers, today i was looking for somebody who can do a fine weld and nobody - and i mean professional - have a machine to do it but they welding with their hands (so far at least) because i will keep looking and i hope to find an actually professional!

Thanks again