@ John w


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@ John w

Beitrag von moppedwolf »

Hi John,
best wishes to your formally 12th Birthday!! :shock: :twisted:
I don't know how you get your driver licenses when you are soooo young.

Have a nice birthday at your day 29th of Feb. (poor boy!!)

Stay healthy my friend from UK :P

Daisy & Wolf
WolfsGruss :wave: Unfall? Früher hatte ich zwei linke Hände, heute eine rechte! :mrgreen:
Cop'n'crashfree season!!![/i] :wink:

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Registriert: Montag 17. Oktober 2005, 16:39
Vorname: Ralf
Wohnort: Pforzheim
Alter: 66

Beitrag von Blubber »

Hey, hey hey.

Also best wishes from the Black Forest to the island, from the one who does'nt take his pills frequently, and his wife.

As Wolf already mentioned, stay healthy and hope to see you soon.

Me, without pills!
Me, without pills!

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Registriert: Mittwoch 5. Februar 2003, 13:00
Vorname: Axel
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Beitrag von Axman »

Hi John,

...are you sober again..?? ..not on your hands and knees anymore..?? then - better late than never - a very :new-bday: and best wishes

from the Axman
...es ist ein Zeichen von Intelligenz seine Grenzen zu kennen..

John w
Beiträge: 224
Registriert: Samstag 21. Mai 2005, 23:28
Wohnort: Hereford, England
Alter: 65

Beitrag von John w »

Thanks Guys!

My friends took me out for the night. They made me wear a Gnome outfit - pointed hat, white beard, funny clothes..... A good night :thumbup:

The downside of being a leap year baby - my wife says that I have to wait until I am 16 before I am allowed to have sex! :crazy: (only 12 more years!)

Cheers ~ john W :hotsun:

***Hey Blubber, you look sort of scary in the pic! gypnose.gif Look into my eyes - now say after me 'I will not do bad things. I will take my medication.' :shock: