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It's birthday
Verfasst: Sonntag 18. Mai 2008, 07:36
von Blubber
Good morning Jonny,
the Black Forest sends best birthday wishes to THE island.
Have a nice day, lots of gifts, money and always grip on the tires.
Ralf & Verena
P.S. Attached find some helpful expressions for a visit to China
Verfasst: Sonntag 18. Mai 2008, 07:51
von hotdog
Hi Jonny,
Happy Biirtday.

Verfasst: Sonntag 18. Mai 2008, 09:31
von MissBitch
Hey Jonni
have a nice day
Verfasst: Sonntag 18. Mai 2008, 13:51
von ebijoe
Hy Jonny,
i wish you the same

a nice day, many presents and a lot of fun with your bulldog.

Verfasst: Sonntag 18. Mai 2008, 14:05
von WullDee
Hey Johnny,
Happy Birthday, always gripful roads and cop- and crashfree cruising.
Verfasst: Sonntag 18. Mai 2008, 19:55
von Lukka
Hi Johnny,
also from MarburgerLAND the best wishes to your birthday.
Hope you have a nice trip to Lichtenau.
Best regards Lothar
Verfasst: Montag 19. Mai 2008, 22:12
von jonny teabag
Thanks everyone for the best wishes!!
I had a very nice ride out into the countryside on my 'dog.
Stopped at a small village called Masham for tea and cakes, then took the long way home, and.... NO RAIN!!!
Counting the days to the Treffen!
See you all soon!
Kind regards JT