The Members Shop

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The Members Shop

Beitrag von belfastsam »

Hi all.
Has anyone bought items from the members shop to be sent the uk. There are some really nice things on there. I have set up an account as requested but struggle to get the price of stuff and how to pay. I struggle with these things. Thinking about it I struggle with a calculator. Any help appreciated.

John w
Beiträge: 224
Registriert: Samstag 21. Mai 2005, 23:28
Wohnort: Hereford, England
Alter: 65

Beitrag von John w »

Hi Belfastsam,

Sorry, I've never tried to buy online from here. Maybe you should ride over to Germany with us next summer? That's pretty easy and loads of fun. You could fill a bag with goodies then! :wink:

If you are having trouble though, drop a PM to the admin people. I'm sure they will sort it for you.

Cheers ~ john W

Beiträge: 2796
Registriert: Montag 8. Juli 2002, 17:55
Vorname: Jörg
Wohnort: Zürcher Oberland
Alter: 48

Beitrag von JörgG »

Hi Sam,

please send my only a email with your wishes and i will
take the order for you in the Shop and i sent you all other informations
back per email.

Regards Jörg
Das Leben besteht nicht nur aus "Wünsch dir Was" und einige Entscheidungen sollten einfach akzeptiert werden.

Der schlimmste Fehler, den man im Leben machen kann, ist ständig zu befürchten, dass man einen macht.
– Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915), The Note Book