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I am getting old...
Verfasst: Freitag 12. Dezember 2008, 08:03
von Tik
About one month ago I wanted to go by train to Cluj (Klausenburg), 276km away from Brasov (Kronstadt) where I live. Initial plan was to go by car to the railway station, about 10km from where I live. I left from home about 45 minutes before train departure just to find after 1km that I have a flat tyre. Trying to change the wheel I found out that the guys from the tyre service destroyed one of the screws, the one with special key. It took me 25' to arrange that a friend would take care of the car so I ran back home and took my X-MAX-250, trying to arrive in time at train station, planning to leave the scooter there till I get back next day.. As driving the scooter I realised I shall be late so I made a 180 degrees turn and drove 115km towards Cluj, to Sighisoara (Schäßburg), the next train stop towards Cluj. I arrived there just to find out that the train was in fact one and a half hour late due to a fallen tree on railway. I decided then to go to Cluj and back with the scooter. This is where I wanted to get to, the pleasure of driving the scooter on A and B roads. I made the trip in normal clothes, only helmet and gloves were extra. I was only about 10 minutes slower than driving whatever bike I used for same trip and much faster than driving any car, because of heavy traffic. Top speed was 130km/hour. The wind protection was very good, leaning in curves was no problem except sometimes I heard metal touching the asphalt left or right. All in all I have now a very warm feeling for scooters, playing with the idea of one with more power, something like a 500cc, due to the strange combination of user friendliness and sense of freedom. Plus the permanent grin that brings when all kind of muscle cars cannot overtake that scooter. Am I getting old?
Verfasst: Freitag 12. Dezember 2008, 08:44
von Toto
Hi Tik,
funny story at least for the ones who can read it and did not have to go through it
Well to your question? Honestly I am wondering why the scooter which does 130km/h should be more favorable then our nice Bulldog which has its best cruising speed at 130
If you simply pass the cars and do not try to ran slalom in between them, then I think you would have made it in a similar time riding the Bulldog.
But are you getting old? Maybe not. Maybe you were looking for more challenge ? You knew you could make it in time with the Dog, but you thought I make it more challenging in riding a scooter.
The only plus I can see here is ... you would save the time in greeting other bikers (lifting the hand) and can concentrate on the road...
If I would have been in your situation? there would not even be a point to discuss if I am getting old, as there is NO scooter in my garage

It's not about selling the Bulldog
Verfasst: Freitag 12. Dezember 2008, 09:03
von Tik
Well, the Bulldog is completely other story, it has power and sound and looks very very good. It is not for sale, that's for sure. I just changed the springs and sealings in the front fork after some other tweaks. So the story was just about how different the scooter was, no need for weather protection, easy handling and contrast between looks and performance.
Sorry, I pushed 'report' by mistake. I hope this does not bring any inconveniences.
no protection
Verfasst: Freitag 12. Dezember 2008, 09:35
von Toto
Well, the thing with no protection gives potential for an endless discussion.
I don't understand even bikers not wearing protection during summer because it is too hot.
It could be 40 degrees, if I want to ride the bike, then not without protection. A friend of mine (working as a first aid) saw bikers die, just because they were loosing to much blood after falling of a bike and sliding on the road. If they would have worn protection clothes, they would have stood up and say, dammed but be alive.
Honestly (just my opinion) riding a scooter with 130km/h and wearing no protection clothes is risking your live heavily. I could admit riding it in town by max 50 and even there it could be risky, but with 130??
Regardless, as I said it could open an endless discussion. Too many positions and views and different opinions on this topic.
Edit says: " If the protection is just regarding the whether, then I think you can get wet on a scooter too

about protecting clothes
Verfasst: Freitag 12. Dezember 2008, 10:00
von Tik
Hi Tbecker74,
Thanks for your replies, I thought the English section has copletely dried out around here.
I usually drive bikes, not scooters, and in 2008 even in hot summer always with protectors. The scooter is only for town drive usually, where is lots of fun to have an under-seat storage place for two helmets and a small bag and to get down from it with clean pants and shoes. Feeling like you steal something, being able to drive two wheels without having the normal disadvantages of a bike. I've learned on my own skin the importance of being protected, I've had my number of spills so I'am fully aware of the risks I'm assuming in certain circumstances.
Viele Grusse, Titus.
Verfasst: Freitag 12. Dezember 2008, 11:22
von Toto
Hi Tik
more then welcome for my replies. I have to admit, that I am usually only in the german section of the forum.
I don't really know what drived me to answer your post
anyhow I wish you always a save drive and have fun with your scooter. Even though I can see advantages in having one, I am not investing any money in it. 2 cars, 2 bikes, 2 kids ....

not enough money left
Verfasst: Freitag 12. Dezember 2008, 15:09
von Tik
Thanks, TB. Same best wishes for you; regarding more bikes is like planning more kids: first (and maybe second) is planned, the rest are just happening. If one loves them, how could he (me) let them go?
Verfasst: Freitag 12. Dezember 2008, 15:27
von Doggerla
Tik hat geschrieben:.........regarding more bikes is like planning more kids: first (and maybe second) is planned, the rest are just happening. If one loves them, how could he (me) let them go?
Hi Tik,
wait until you become grandpa, much more kids to love, and then you realise that you get old

. I've already 2 of them, but the Bulldog remains my only one. That's another kind of love!
Best regards to Kronstadt,
Verfasst: Freitag 12. Dezember 2008, 16:20
von Tik
Doggerla, depends...
This season I drove on two wheels more than 30.000km. Bulldog is an excellent bike for town and not so long trips. But is not a long trip bike, like R1150GS. Then the XT is much better when I have to visit building sites in remote places or just want to climb some mountains on weekends. Ulysses could be a replacement for GS but they are totally different, almost nothing to compare between them in real life even if on paper look the same. Then the 250cc scooter was intended for my wife and the 50cc is the only solution when I'm without license due to too many points or excess speed or something.
It happens also three-four times a year my friends from abroad are visiting me so is very convenient to take some of my bikes and make a long week-end tour around here. But with so many bikes, I'm on the limit. Too many tires, too many oil changes and revisions. Maybe I shall sell the XT next spring, as I have seen that Uly is much closer to it than to GS.
on the streets today...
Verfasst: Sonntag 14. Dezember 2008, 19:41
von Tik
On the streets today just to tell my doggy "In ginocchio da te (1964)"
Verfasst: Sonntag 14. Dezember 2008, 20:14
von Mick P
Hi Tik
as for getting old, well not as old as some, and that dosent mean you cant enjoy riding on two wheels what ever it is

regards mick p