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foxxy: Hi from the UK as well (Samstag 24. April 2010, 08:31)

Hi everybody I am from the UK (Beds) am 47 yrs old and started riding at 17 . I have always had a bike of some description (ie no time out) and even had a spell for a couple of years where I had 3 at once ( though wife/kids put a stop to that little jaunt ! ). I have been reading the English setion for a short while now trying to pick up some tips as I was considering getting a Bulldog. Well I picked it up yesterday and was grinning all the way home

I have a couple of questions but will post them later once I have worked out which section to ask them in

Bye for now just got to nip out to admire her again ! er I mean the wife of course ( phew do you think she noticed ) Foxxy.

BiteMe: Re: Hi from the UK as well (Samstag 24. April 2010, 08:40)

Hello Foxxy

Wellcome in the forum ..... have fun with your new bike.

Greatings from Austria

Dry Floey: Re: Hi from the UK as well (Samstag 24. April 2010, 08:51)

W E L C O M E O N T H E B O A R D http://www.smilies.4-user.de/include/Girls/smilie_girl_112.gif

and......... you will find answers for every question... whatever you seek.

if there is something open.... ask??
.... ` the famous people here, will help you....

greetings......... Ulli

Blubber: Re: Hi from the UK as well (Samstag 24. April 2010, 10:02)

Hi Foxxy,

welcome here at the very best motobikeforum in the world.

That grinning will come back every time you start the wonderful V2 from your Bulldog.
Always have a safe ride and hopefully we meet you at one of the international meetings.


hotdog: Re: Hi from the UK as well (Samstag 24. April 2010, 10:28)

Hello Foxxy,

Welcome in the forum.

Greatings from Holland.

Axman: Re: Hi from the UK as well (Samstag 24. April 2010, 10:51)

Hello there, Foxxy..

Welcome to the best- and only - Bulldog-forum.
There should be quite a few Bulldog-riders in the UK..and even here in the forum..although..now thinking about it...we haven´t heard of them for quite some time...

Anyway, should you have any technical questions...fire away... there are several modifications that let the Bulldog live up to its full potential..engine- and suspension-wise..

Hope to hear from you soon (and it really doesn´t matter, where you place your questions..)



Paolo: Re: Hi from the UK as well (Samstag 24. April 2010, 12:51)

Hello Foxxy,

welcome here to the forum.

You have made all right when you bought a bulldog. I think it is an excellent bike.
Wish you a good and accidentfree season 2010.
I hope we meet us at one of the international meetings in the next years.

Grettings, Paolo

spark76x: Re: Hi from the UK as well (Samstag 24. April 2010, 15:31)

Welcome to the Unite.

foxxy: Re: Hi from the UK as well (Samstag 24. April 2010, 23:47)

Hi and thankyou all for your kind welcome.
Out of interest how many UK owners has this forum come across ?
Thanks again and I look forward to chatting with you.

WullDee: Re: Hi from the UK as well (Sonntag 25. April 2010, 00:13)

Hi there
.. and a very warm welcome from Lower Saxony.
Out of interest how many UK owners has this forum come across ?
I'll bet on at least two UK Bulldog owners (Mr John "John_W" Westlake and "QuickMick" (Mick_P)).
They are every years guest at the "Int'l Bulldog Meeting", in 2010 held in the Germany (Eifel area). Maybe you like to join them on their journey this year.
Looking forward to seeing you in Monschau ...

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