Trip to England and Wales


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Trip to England and Wales

Beitrag von ronald53 »

Hello to our UK members,

I am planning a trip to the UK and I welcome any suggestions for improvement. I like winding roads, great views and sunny weather :lol: ! Please take a look at the enclosed file. I included some of the rides from ... Rides.html.

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(45.3 KiB) 94-mal heruntergeladen
BT1100 - 2007 / 75 PS / 100Nm.

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Re: Trip to England and Wales

Beitrag von paulius »

Hello Ronald,

That is a great trip you have planned there! Thanks for sharing. :thumbup:
How many kilometers is that?

I don't think you can improve it a lot, when you already have included the best roads for motorcycling in the UK.
But we'll see maybe someone from the UK will have some comments.

And hope you share your story when you come back, on how the trip was.

Good luck,

Topic author
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Registriert: Montag 12. Januar 2009, 11:08
Vorname: Ronald
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Re: Trip to England and Wales

Beitrag von ronald53 »

paulius hat geschrieben:How many kilometers is that?
That's about 1700 km in the UK, plus some extra to get to the ferry.
BT1100 - 2007 / 75 PS / 100Nm.

Big Ade
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Re: Trip to England and Wales

Beitrag von Big Ade »


We spoke at the 9th about your tour and it would be good to meet up again. Let me know when you are to be near Sheffield (or Derbyshire) and we can meet up.

I see from your map that you are spending some time in the Lake District. That area is truly beautiful and attracts about 5.4 million visitors, so in summer the roads are very congested with cars, buses and walkers and there are lakes there because it rains a lot. Early morning blasts are great (as it is in Derbyshire).

Have a safe journey and let me know.



John w
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Re: Trip to England and Wales

Beitrag von John w »

Hi Ronald,

I checked out your route and it looks good! Do you know any dates for your trip? I would like to come and say 'hello' and maybe ride along for a while if that's OK? Hopefully your trip will fit in with my days off from work - no holidays are allowed until September this year due to the Olympic Games in the UK. Grrrr!

Hope you have a great trip - and our bad weather doesn't spoil it for you. So far this year, rain, rain and more rain. I guess it must stop sometime? 

Best wishes,

John W :cool:

Topic author
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Registriert: Montag 12. Januar 2009, 11:08
Vorname: Ronald
Wohnort: Groet, NL
Alter: 71

Re: Trip to England and Wales

Beitrag von ronald53 »

We had a great tour! Almost 2000 km of great views, good roads as well as potholes, crossing sheep, sunshine and some rain, excellent B&B, dozens of speedcams, 25-30% grade slopes, and hundreds of roundabouts! And Jake teaming up with us on Monday!

A first impression:
[BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]
BT1100 - 2007 / 75 PS / 100Nm.

Beiträge: 27
Registriert: Freitag 15. Januar 2010, 09:44
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Re: Trip to England and Wales

Beitrag von paulius »

These roads really look like a dream to ride on. thumbup.gif

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Re: Trip to England and Wales

Beitrag von Axman »

Hi Ronald,

it seems that you had plenty of fun riding in the UK...we all envy you :wink:

But all these "slow" sign painted on the road (can´t remember seeing them when I was in the UK..ok..ok. it´s a few years back) would drive me nuts. What exactly does it mean in Km/h??

ride safe and regards

Axman ist ein Zeichen von Intelligenz seine Grenzen zu kennen..

Topic author
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Registriert: Montag 12. Januar 2009, 11:08
Vorname: Ronald
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Alter: 71

Re: Trip to England and Wales

Beitrag von ronald53 »

We indeed had an excellent trip. Not too much rain. I have a lot more footage, still have to find some time and good software to make a nice movie out of it.

I cannot really remember what the max speed was. I guess it was 50 mph, some 80 km/hr. Maybe there is a sign visible somewhere in the video. I do however remember that we didn't really feel the need to go much faster than what was allowed. The scenery was beautiful, the road was perfect and a low rpm V-twin doesn't really create an urge to faster. (If I would have been riding the bike that was given to me at my third motor cycle driving lesson, a Suzuki GSR 600, I would certainly have had the urge to go faster.)


-- Donnerstag 30. August 2012, 20:02 --

It was indeed 50 mph, see the sign at 4'10"!

BT1100 - 2007 / 75 PS / 100Nm.

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Re: Trip to England and Wales

Beitrag von Diamss »

This is one of the reasons I wanted a bike... it does look a nice little run around Wales and north west England.
Did you get a video put together?

I can't wait to start on tours of my own and meet up with some of you guys :-D Love it :thumbup:


Topic author
Beiträge: 601
Registriert: Montag 12. Januar 2009, 11:08
Vorname: Ronald
Wohnort: Groet, NL
Alter: 71

Re: Trip to England and Wales

Beitrag von ronald53 »

Hello Jon,

No, I didn't get my video together yet. Planning to do this when the weather gets worse. Also, I am still looking for some software for editing. So far I have been using Windows Live Movie Maker, just because its free. I don't like it however.

BT1100 - 2007 / 75 PS / 100Nm.