Is there a gallery or picture page here?

All about the BT1100

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Beiträge: 18
Registriert: Donnerstag 25. Dezember 2014, 13:01
Vorname: Brian

Is there a gallery or picture page here?

Beitrag von Capt_Biggles »

Hi Guys.

Is there a gallery or picture page on this site? I can't seem to find it here, and don't know what the equivalent would be in German. Also, what format would be best to use to post pictures? I am not very good on techy stuff but can amend my pictures to suit.



Beiträge: 2796
Registriert: Montag 8. Juli 2002, 17:55
Vorname: Jörg
Wohnort: Zürcher Oberland
Alter: 48

Beitrag von JörgG »

Hi biggles,

Yes we have.. In your Profile you Found a tab““ here you can create your personal gallery and can upload your pictures.

At time the link to the personal gallery are not show in your profile but I work on the problem.

By question you can contact me ...
Regards joerg

Gesendet von meinem ZP900 mit Tapatalk

Topic author
Beiträge: 18
Registriert: Donnerstag 25. Dezember 2014, 13:01
Vorname: Brian

Re: Is there a gallery or picture page here?

Beitrag von Capt_Biggles »

Hi Joerg.

I have just looked and there is no gallery link on my profile page.

How do I see other people's gallery pictures please, as I cannot find a link to the gallery anywhere?



Beiträge: 2796
Registriert: Montag 8. Juli 2002, 17:55
Vorname: Jörg
Wohnort: Zürcher Oberland
Alter: 48

Beitrag von JörgG »

Please try the follow link .... ucp.php?i=737 here you come in the profile....

app.php/gallery and to the gallery

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