Thank you is not enough

All about the BT1100

Topic author
Big Ade
Beiträge: 292
Registriert: Sonntag 25. März 2012, 16:42
Vorname: Ade
Wohnort: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Alter: 74

Thank you is not enough

Beitrag von Big Ade »

All you Bulldog owners in the UK need to know what really great friends we have in Germany.

I went to Treffen 14 this year with my son, David, and on the way my starter clutch ceased to work. I had a dilemma, big heavy bike, loaded with luggage and no kick start. For two days on my way to Alexisbad it was bump start (not easy) and hope. There was no way the dog was going to get off the chunnel train or a ferry. I had an onward route planned after Treffen meeting another group to ride the Alps in Austria and Italy then up to Sachsenring for the German MotoGP in all a 25 day trip of a lifetime. That was all about to be cancelled.

Made it to Treffen and prior to this David had used facebook to broadcast my plight. Within one day I had four offers of the hard to get parts, a workshop was provided and an expert starter clutch fitter gave up his day to affect a brilliant repair. A massive thanks to everyone especially WullDee and Rudi for the broadcasts and Marina, Steve (the spanner man), Stephan and his dad, Frank, Wolf, Uwe and Jorg. Listen you guys, if ever you come to The Island (UK) call me, I owe you big time and I am very grateful for your help.

This is not the first time that I have had help from our German friends and it will probably not be the last. It is really good to know that there are wonderful people like this when the chips are down and things are about as black as they can get. As a direct result of their unselfish help I was able to complete my 3,750ml (6,000k) tour during which my dog averaged 60mpg at an average speed of 45mph and a maximum speed of 118mph (so says my Tomtom).

I should also say a massive thank you to the organisers of Treffen 14, you guys did a fantastic job. Everything went smoothly and it was an excellent meeting very well managed.

This trip was hard on me and my bike so maybe I should use my bike trailer for the next meeting, it’s a long haul from Yorkshire and my old bones don’t do endurance too well now.



PS The chicken strips on my new Metzler rear tyre are down to 12mm and I was pushing sports bikes on the bends up Grossglockner, it makes you feel alive!

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Registriert: Dienstag 18. Juli 2006, 15:19
Vorname: Steve
Wohnort: Dorf

Re: Thank you is not enough

Beitrag von Steve »

Hello Ade,
I am very glad to hear from you and that you could drive your journey to the end.
It gave me great pleasure that I could help you.
It was not an easy thing, but we did that with a super team.
For me it was self-evident to help you and I guess the others think the same way.
I hope you can understand what I wrote, it is from a translator.
I wish you and your family all the best, and I hope we see each other on the next Int.meeting. :)

Best regards

PS: and the Whiskey was very Tasty :cool: :beer:
"Die einen kennen mich, die anderen können mich!"
*Konrad Adenauer

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Registriert: Donnerstag 21. September 2006, 14:32
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Re: Thank you is not enough

Beitrag von WullDee »

it was really satisfying to hear that your problem has been solved in time by this great community and you were able to continue your journey!
That's what friends are for and I'm proud to be part of such a community!
Be assured, the next time we enter good ol' blighty again we'll let you know to have a good time!
Die linke Hand zum Gruß,


YouTube ......
Instagram ...

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Registriert: Sonntag 19. Juni 2011, 06:23
Vorname: Linus (Thorsten)
Wohnort: 58579 Schalksmühle
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Re: Thank you is not enough

Beitrag von linus »

die linke zum gruße,die rechte am gas!

"ihr seid doch nur neidisch,das die leisen stimmen nur zu mir sprechen"

Kalle P.
Beiträge: 783
Registriert: Donnerstag 6. Januar 2005, 21:46
Vorname: Kalle
Wohnort: Duisburg
Alter: 66

Re: Thank you is not enough

Beitrag von Kalle P. »

:clapp: :clapp: :clapp:

mopedsmile: :signrandr:
Bild ...macht die Kuuh!!!

Beiträge: 6423
Registriert: Dienstag 16. Mai 2006, 17:28
Vorname: Verena
Wohnort: 75175 Pforzheim
Alter: 66

Re: Thank you is not enough

Beitrag von Luzy »

It's familiy Bild
Ich bin meistens teuflisch gut drauf!