Flip or Double Bubble?

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Registriert: Dienstag 8. Mai 2007, 00:28
Wohnort: Telford, Shropshire

Flip or Double Bubble?

Beitrag von Oddball »


I'm a newbe to the forum, although I have had my dog since November. When I picked it up it had 3,500 miles on the clock, by the time I got it home I had done over 5,000. (What a great ride home from the south of Spain) :-D

Anyway that's another story, I do feel as if I could do with a slightly higher screen without spoiling the looks too much. Does the bubble screen make much difference or is a flip a better bet?

I hope to write more soon and hopefully contribute in the future.

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Beitrag von Axman »


what´s your real Name and where do you come from??

But now to your question : if you look at my Album you´ll see, that I have two screens to choose from. The lower, silver screen is from www.ride-in.de (or 0049 3763 16400) and I use it for the short stints and when the weather is good.
The higher one is from MRA (www.mra.de or 0049 7663 93890) with an adjustable "Vario-Screen" and is my first choice for longer trips and bad weather. It is a big improvement, keeps the wind-pressure from blowing you off the bike :wink: and protects you very effectively from rain and bugs.

Changing the screens is a matter of max two minutes but pay attention to the screws!! The standard ones are made of plastic(!)and with the wrong screwdriver are rendered unserviceable in seconds (and they cost 2,60€ each :shock: ) Here you can buy 8-packs of black anodized aluminum ones with plastic spacers for aproxx 7,50€ from POLO, LOUIS or HG.

Any more questions?? just let me know..


from the Axman

John w
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Beitrag von John w »

Hi Oddball,

Welcome to the forum :)

I have recently fitted a double bubble/sports screen to my Bulldog. I did an 1100 mile ride a couple of weeks ago. I cannot really tell the difference between the standard screen and the new one. I guess there is some improvement but not a lot. I think that the flip screen would make a bigger difference to the airstream.

Cheers ~ enjoy your 'Dog! :-D

John w

Topic author
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Dienstag 8. Mai 2007, 00:28
Wohnort: Telford, Shropshire

Beitrag von Oddball »

Hi Guys,

Thank you very much for replying to my question.
Axman… My real name is Howard Heeley (“H” to my mates) and I live in the middle of England, about 50Km North West of Birmingham. One of my reasons for buying the Dog is for the looks, which is why I don’t want to use the Vario-Screen although I do understand that they do work very well. Thanks for the tip about the screws.
John… you have confirmed my suspicions about the bubble screen i.e. not worth it.
Has any one got ant experience of the other screens supplied by Yamaha? As far as I can see they sell a flip 90mm and one 190mm taller than the original, although I wouldn’t be too keen on fitting the 190 screen however good it was.

Cheers ~ and yes to my surprise I am enjoying the Dog very much!!

Mick P
Beiträge: 116
Registriert: Montag 20. September 2004, 20:13
Wohnort: Rochester, Kent. UK

Beitrag von Mick P »

Hi Oddball

Welcome to the forum. :)

I use the flip screen all the time ( the same one as Axman )so far i am pleased with it i have also used the big touring screen from Yamaha, very good protection, but i prefer the flip for looks and its almost as good.

Best wishes Mick P