Road noise front tyre

Everything you want to know about Tires

Topic author
Surrey Guy
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Donnerstag 16. Mai 2019, 22:19
Vorname: Joe
Alter: 64

Road noise front tyre

Beitrag von Surrey Guy »

Hi folk....
I have had fitted Bridgestone tyre to my bike and now the road noise from it is terrible, I had asked the guy to get me RP4's as when I put them on my XJR1300 it did reduce the road noise considerably, but he said they were not available for the bike unless I put RP4 GT's on and these are for heavier bikes.

I know the noise resonates from the fender, as I have taken it off and the noise goes, so I have now lined the front fender with insulation and rubber mounted it, but still it is very noisy.
Any suggestion welcome, even if I have to change the tyres.


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Registriert: Montag 14. April 2003, 20:23
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Re: Road noise front tyre

Beitrag von Eddie »

Hi Joe,

it´s a well known problem and the most simple way to eleminate the noise is to mount another tyre. But the idea with the insulation is not wrong.

Best you use a piece of a carpet or some other similar material.

Good luck...
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Topic author
Surrey Guy
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Donnerstag 16. Mai 2019, 22:19
Vorname: Joe
Alter: 64

Re: Road noise front tyre

Beitrag von Surrey Guy »

Cheers Ralf, I used some sound insulation for a car door, I have also thought about putting a fork brace on with a small rubber mount between it and the guard...

Beiträge: 3868
Registriert: Montag 14. April 2003, 20:23
Vorname: Ralf
Wohnort: Wesseling
Alter: 64

Re: Road noise front tyre

Beitrag von Eddie »

Joe, it´s important, that the surface of the insulation is rough or like a "hairy" skin.

It´s like a room, wheres no carpet and furniture with al lot of glass. There is a lot of resonate and you need a tearoff egde in the fender.

You have to try some possibilities, but don´t cut off a piece from your parents carpet! ;-)
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Black Dog
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Re: Road noise front tyre

Beitrag von Black Dog »

The Michelins will be as noisy as any other tyre - I experienced, no suffered from it :? , myself.
You can try to lower the front fender a little bit, that helped some guys here.
Gruß Michel

Wieder ein V2 - jetzt 90° quer

Topic author
Surrey Guy
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Donnerstag 16. Mai 2019, 22:19
Vorname: Joe
Alter: 64

Re: Road noise front tyre

Beitrag von Surrey Guy »

Cheers for the tips, I have some off cuts of artificial grass, I know sounds a bit silly and may not work, but worth a god.... :)

Labertaschen Moderator
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Re: Road noise front tyre

Beitrag von moppedwolf »

take some foam or sponge rubber and paste it with some glue on the innerside of your frontfender.
Then there is silence for every tyre. ;-)
WolfsGruss :wave: Unfall? Früher hatte ich zwei linke Hände, heute eine rechte! :mrgreen:
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