Rear brake master cylinder

everything about the chassis

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Rear brake master cylinder

Beitrag von DAB55 »

Finding it hard to find a repair kit for the rear brake master cylinder, I know it's made by Brembo and must be used on other bikes. Anyone know which bikes, I've heard that some BMW bikes of the same age did.

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Registriert: Montag 26. November 2018, 18:41
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Re: Rear brake master cylinder

Beitrag von riedrider »

In March we had already a similar topic:
In my opinion this Brembo part looks similar despite the colour: ... rettyPhoto
Rainer did not report if he was successful with that part but if you take a look at the dimensions in the PDF in the link above it should fit.
And there is no repair kit for that master cylinder either. You can buy only the complete unit.
BT1100, TDM850, MT-03 660, FZS600, RD200DX, R100R/Mystic-Mischling, 2 x NTV650, Royal Enfield Classic EFI

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Re: Rear brake master cylinder

Beitrag von mk3103 »

Hello, of you look to the brake cylinder there must be a number on the under site. This is normally the diameter of the cylinder. Then look at Brembo rep kit for brake cylinder rear brake.
Hope I could help


LG Michael



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Re: Rear brake master cylinder

Beitrag von DAB55 »

Thanks for the swift reply, Riedrider, that PDF is useful thanks. MK3103, I've tried googling the number on the cylinder to no avail.

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Registriert: Montag 21. Februar 2011, 19:19
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Re: Rear brake master cylinder

Beitrag von mk3103 »

There could be a 2.nd solution to find out which brake cylinder it is. You can measure the diameter of the cylinder. And if you have separated the inner parts you may have a look to this website. ... _5350.html

They have repkits for several hand and foot pumps. So they have a telephone number you can use for clearing.

LG Michael



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Re: Rear brake master cylinder

Beitrag von riedrider »

I dont think that there is a repair kit for this special master cylinder.
Stein-Dinse who offers only the complete unit has repair kits for many other Brembo cylinders but not for this one.
And the PDF data sheet shows only the pipe fitting and boot as available spare parts...
BT1100, TDM850, MT-03 660, FZS600, RD200DX, R100R/Mystic-Mischling, 2 x NTV650, Royal Enfield Classic EFI

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Re: Rear brake master cylinder

Beitrag von mk3103 »

Hello Günter, I don't think that there is something special about the rear brake pump. If you look to the website of my former post you will see that the repair kits are for several rear brake pumps.
So there is a chance to get a repair kit. Why shouldn't he take the chance?

LG Michael



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Re: Rear brake master cylinder

Beitrag von riedrider »

Hello Michael, he needs a repair kit for a PS13 with 13 mm piston diameter. And there is nothing available on your website.
But you can buy the complete unit like at Stein-Dinse: ... p-953.html
BT1100, TDM850, MT-03 660, FZS600, RD200DX, R100R/Mystic-Mischling, 2 x NTV650, Royal Enfield Classic EFI

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Registriert: Montag 21. Februar 2011, 19:19
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Re: Rear brake master cylinder

Beitrag von mk3103 »

Ok, the parameters were not publicated. Nice that you have them and gave us the information. So you're right. Buying the new one is an option.

LG Michael



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Re: Rear brake master cylinder

Beitrag von riedrider »

Especially for that price. When you buy it from Yamaha you will get it with connecting rod but for more than double the price: ... NF583V0000
By the way: I drove this morning through Büttelborn on my way to Helvetia Park :mrgreen:
BT1100, TDM850, MT-03 660, FZS600, RD200DX, R100R/Mystic-Mischling, 2 x NTV650, Royal Enfield Classic EFI

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Registriert: Montag 21. Februar 2011, 19:19
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Re: Rear brake master cylinder

Beitrag von mk3103 »

Oh yes, that can happen. If you want we can meet. Send me a PM

LG Michael



Das Leben auf unserer Erde mag ja teuer sein, aber es beinhaltet immerhin einen kostenlosen Flug pro Jahr um die Sonne.

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Registriert: Montag 26. November 2018, 18:41
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Alter: 61

Re: Rear brake master cylinder

Beitrag von riedrider »

You got PM :wink:
BT1100, TDM850, MT-03 660, FZS600, RD200DX, R100R/Mystic-Mischling, 2 x NTV650, Royal Enfield Classic EFI

Topic author
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Registriert: Sonntag 9. Dezember 2018, 02:57
Vorname: David
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Alter: 69

Re: Rear brake master cylinder

Beitrag von DAB55 »

The PDF was very useful as it gave me some info to go on. Googling I came to the conclusion that no Brembro repair kits are available. The non-yamaha one is fairly priced anyway. Thanks for your help.

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Registriert: Montag 21. Februar 2011, 19:19
Vorname: Michael
Wohnort: Büttelborn
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Alter: 68

Re: Rear brake master cylinder

Beitrag von mk3103 »

I don't know how exactly the technical inspection works in England. Maybe a Nissin brake pump will you work too.

LG Michael



Das Leben auf unserer Erde mag ja teuer sein, aber es beinhaltet immerhin einen kostenlosen Flug pro Jahr um die Sonne.

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Registriert: Montag 26. November 2018, 18:41
Vorname: Günter
Alter: 61

Re: Rear brake master cylinder

Beitrag von riedrider »

Feedback from Rainer with pictures: the Brembo cylinder from Stein-Dinse works:
BT1100, TDM850, MT-03 660, FZS600, RD200DX, R100R/Mystic-Mischling, 2 x NTV650, Royal Enfield Classic EFI