MIG Exhaust System

followed information are found on the MIG homepage


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This wrote  MIG on her  Website:
Carried by the newest MIG development high technology and the experience, the straight of running comes. This elliptical muffler was
used over two years of the TKF crew and also by certain other international crews, examined, validated and approved. After these
attempts, led on the electric circuit under different conditions, the sample machines MIG complicated by the tests longevity and adjustment
for daily use on were followed. The elliptical form was selected after the results of these tests. It is more compact and offers undeniable
advantages in phonic absorption and expressed mechanical efficiency.
The mass of the ellipse muffler by technical results without compromise are prescribed. Its extremely compact form permits a
maximum verge angle, which is, why strengthened stainless steel the contact zone protects, which is set up on the front side right of the
muffler. It is formed exclusively by the fibers, in order to profit from all technological possible advantages to. Its entry and output
bowls are rounded, in order to support a holding back of the fuel in the absorption chamber. This muffler can be attached at the original
collectors or at the MIG collectors.
Supply :
For Dealers and Supply please look here: http://www.mig.fr/francais/sommaire/distributeur.html

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